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"Ariana I'm not so sure..." I tell the beautiful woman sitting beside me in the waiting area.

"Why?" She asks, looking up from her phone to face me. "Well...I don't know what else to get, first of all and second of all...a tattoo is a huge commitment I mean do you really want to get a part of me on you?" I ask, my insecurities shining through after she had just explained to me what she was getting, along with a few surprises.

She furrows her eyebrows "woah woah, y/n, calm down....of course I want this, I wouldn't be here if I didn't like you and...I just have a gut feeling telling me that this could be something magical....something I've never known"

I beam in joy at the answer that I didn't know I needed. "Now let's see what your gonna get, or do you want me to go first?" She asks.

"It doesn't matter" I say. She nods "ok then, I'll go first because I know what I want already!" She cheers.

I giggle at her cuteness "what are you going to get, wait your getting more than one?" I question. "It's a surprise for you, and yes" she responds.

"Baby ari!" A curly haired man greets, coming out from the back room. Ariana smiles and stands up to embrace him in a hug.

"Gabe! It's so good to see you again" Ariana says pulling away. The tattoo artist whom I now know as Gabe smiles back. "It's been a hot minute, how are you with everything?" He asks with sincerity.

I notice her eyes go dark "Uh...I'm better" she says with a slight croak. I can tell it's all coming back with just a few words.

I'd hate to see her break down in the middle of the tattoo parlor or in general, I want to leave with her now that the PTSD is coming but, I know she really wants some tattoos and I promised that I'd be there for her whenever she needed me. She needs me now.

I stand up and hug Ariana from behind, her tense shoulders ease up into my touch. Gabe lifts an eyebrow "ouuu I see, get it queen, who's this?" He chuckles .

I let out my hand "I'm y/n, friend of Arianas, pleasure to meet you"

Gabe shakes it gladly "just a friend huh? Hmm, anyways it's great to meet you too, I'm Gabe, I've been Arianas tattoo artist for a few years now and she's never mentioned you before"

"We just met this year, I'll tell you everything when I'm getting inked" Ariana assures him. He nods "great, so your first!... wait y/n do you want to wait for me to finish with Ariana or will you be comfortable enough with another of my tattooists? I promise you they are the best of the best and she is almost done with a client" he insists.

I nod and pull myself away from Ariana "great, she'll be right with you, now let's head to my station ari" I see Ariana turn to me and give a wink before she follows Gabe behind a curtain.

I blush and pull my phone out, opening Instagram. I gasp as I see my notifications.

822,33,451 people started following you



I guess people started looking online and everything and found my Instagram. I look at a few of the comments and respond to a couple.

@ArianasShipInfo: hiii, y/n please notice me!

Reply to @ArianaShipInfo:

@y/ig/n: hi cutie !

@CelebTea: omg who are u?! Why r u and Ariana so close! 👀

It's in the way she moves ( Ariana/you )Where stories live. Discover now