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A/n: I apologize for the confusion on today's update, here it is it was late because today was my grandmas birthday and everyone went to her house and wished her a happy birthday from the car and behind a gate ...fuck this corona I hate it so much, be with your family's and appreciate the good times but I know 'we're gonna be alright' :,)

Once I shower, dry my hair,change, and put on perfume I lay on my bed and think while I wait for Arianas text.

I jump a bit when I hear my room door click open. I see Ashley walk in with josh.

"Nobody likes you assho- oh y/n! I thought you'd be with your little boo thang?!" Josh teases. My lips slightly curve upwards but I'm too deep in my thoughts to respond.

"Josh, your a pendejo, stop teasing her, look you made her upset!" Ashley sighs. Josh frowns at me "I'm sorry y/n i-" he starts but I cut him off.

"No, it's not you I'm just...thinking" I say. Ashley and josh sit on the bed with me.

"What's going on? You okay?" Ashley asks sympathetically. "Yeah, you can talk to us" josh smiles.

I grin softly back and nod. I sit up and sigh before explaining what Alex had said to me.

"Fucking prick, he's just trying to get into your head and trying to find a reason to split you and Ariana up because he wants you, don't listen to him y/n/n" Josh growls.

"I know I shouldn't pay attention to him but...." I trail off. "But what he said, really has your head spinning doesn't it?" Ashley questions.

I nod and she extends her arm out. I place my hand on top of hers and she rubs it comfortingly. "Well, we know he's just filled with jealously right now but he is...and it pains me to say this but he's right, if you and Ariana are really serious about the relationship, you need to talk to her about it so it doesn't hurt you both later" Ashley insists.

Josh shrugs "yeah, your right sis....we don't know if Arianas management is okay with it, she's famous and it's scary being under the public eye, we can be well known because we dance for her but ari has been doing this for a long time and she probably knows the ins and outs of the music industry, does she want to be public with you?"

"I'm not sure, we haven't talked about it yet she's going to call me right now to go get lunch together" I tell the siblings.

"I'd say talk to her after lunch so it doesn't make things awkward and make sure it's from the heart okay?" Ashley suggests.

I smile "okay, thanks ash and thank you Josh, I'm glad I have friends like you"

Ashley laughs "not friends chicka, family...forever!"

I beam and open my mouth to respond but I'm stopped by my phone beeping. I check my messages and see that Ariana has said that she's outside.

"Well...that's my cue, bye guys I'll see you later!" I stand up and head out but not before I hear them say goodbye to me as well.

I take the elevator downstairs and see a buff man dressed in all black, with his arms crossed waiting for me when I arrive on the lobby floor.

"Uhm...can I help you?" I ask. He nods "ms.Grande sent me to receive you, she thought you'd need the protection to get outside safely" he says.

I raise my eyebrow "oh your a bodyguard!"

He nods again "yes ma'am, I'm Oscar please stay by my side" he informs as we walk side by side to the exit of the hotel.

"Okay then, how bad is it?" My own question is answered when we leave out the doors and notice a large mob filled with fans and paparazzi surrounding Arianas black SUV.

It's in the way she moves ( Ariana/you )Where stories live. Discover now