|11 Muggles Do This To Themselves?

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"Are we sure this is a good idea?" Chemicals wafted about the hut, the strong smell stinging their eyes and noses. Jisung whined petulantly watching Jaemin mix the bleach in a plastic container.

The older male cackled his signature villain laugh, head thrown back in delight, his eyes scrunched closed. The deep underlying rasp released a cacophony of butterflies in the brunette's stomach. Cheeks flushing peach he ducked his head from sight of the Slytherin, busying himself with petting the Occamy.

"You're going to help me whether you like it or not, Sungie." Jaemin looked over his shoulder, his plain white t-shirt bringing out the natural melanin of his skin — in other words the whiskey-eyed male looked simply breathtaking.

"Wouldn't a simple color changing spell be easier? Y'know instead of frying your hair with chemicals?"

"I'm sorry but I wouldn't trust you with the care of my hair when it comes to magic." His words seemingly harsh, but understandable. Jisung hardly trusts himself with doing a simple spell; color changing, however? Not even worth the attempt. "I do love you though."

His sudden and unintentional confession startled both of them. It felt like Jisung's world rocked and shook from the sudden and violent movements of shifting tectonic plates. Silence rung throughout the room, a companion to the sting of bleach and the strong scent of chemicals wafting about. Jaemin shuffled where he stood, shoulders curling in on himself, the weight of his words pulling down on him. He finished mixing the bowl of bleach, leaning down to smell it before stepping away with a wheezing cough and wave of his hand.

"Come help me with this. Please?"

"Y-yeah, sure I can help."

Jisung fumbled forward taking the bowl from Jaemin's outstretched hand. He watched the older male sit down in the dark stained rattan chair, a towel thrown over his shoulders like a mini cape. Once again the brunette's heart flopped over in his chest.

The previously awkward silence warmed once more at the idle chatter that transpired between them. Kind and guiding words helped Jisung to properly apply the bleach and section it using the pointed end of the brush. Gloved fingers massaged the strong chemicals into the honey blonde hair, carefully avoiding the roots to prevent melting the strands.

Jaemin hummed softly, half-lidded eyes peering at the younger male in the mirror before them. "You're really good at this." He gave a small pause "I will admit, I wasn't expecting you to be this good."

"I'm not always a clumsy idiot that is scared of everything." The pout could be heard in his voice before Jaemin could see it.

With bleach coated hair Jaemin whipped around in his chair, eyes ablaze with determination.

"I never said you were an idiot, nor are you scared of everything. I prefer to see it as you have a very reasonable caution." His slender scar-nicked fingers jabbed at Jisung's abdomen. "Don't let what others say about you affect you. If you need someone to rely on, just know that I'm going to stick to you like a niffler sticks to its shiny objects."

"You are my shiny object and I will hold you close so that I can remind you how amazing of a person you are."

Breath hitching and cheeks blushing a deep rouge Jisung's usually vocal responses had died down to the shy hum of a hummingbird's wings. "You have such a kind soul Min, don't ever lose that."

While the two men conversed their size changing serpent friend had slipped through the keyhole on the door to his hut. Something they had specifically closed to keep the creatures out and away from the harmful chemicals. After the last incident with Mooncalves wandering into the open hut, Jaemin ended up doing his best to bathe the sections of deep rose pink fur.

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