|6 Large Feathery Creature, Not A Big Deal

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In the almost six years Jisung has spent studying at Hogwarts, never has he met a Hippogriff. Now, his new best buddy has decided that today was the day he was going to meet Buckbeak, the resident Hippogriff at Hogwarts. He's read pages upon pages about the large creature, how to properly approach it, what the creature likes to eat — thankfully humans aren't on the list.

With a strong grip on his wrist, Jaemin led the younger male towards Hagrid's hut. He noticed the slight pep in the blondes step, moreover he felt it in the light taps against his wrist and the swing of their connected hands. Many would think the two as a couple, but Jisung wasn't sure whether or not he would entertain that train of thought.

Jaemin and him as a couple? Pah, as if.

The blonde male left Jisung's mind wandering through the mist surrounding the cheery boy. His smile strong and brilliant, eyes that glittered behind a mask Jisung was unable to discern, hands rough and calloused from years of caring for magical creatures, heart caged yet full of love and acceptance. He is a mystery that holds kindness and warmth in its depths. He is one that Jisung is willing to patiently wait for him, give him the affection and care that Jaemin so willingly gives, but does not ask for.

Even with his stilted and icy demeanor towards everyone, Jaemin managed to wedge himself between the crystalline barrier Jisung built. His warm eyes that always smiled and glittered with a hint of mischievousness thawed Jisung's defense.

Knotting his eyebrows together Jisung studied his companions profile. Warm pools of honey gleamed in the sunlight streaming through cirrus clouds. Strong dark brows arched against tan skin, the color like ink brushed against parchment in well-defined lines. His eyes trailed along the sharp sloping bridge of Jaemin's nose. If he looked close enough he saw a light dusting of freckles along the structured features. The simple notion of Jaemin constantly beneath the suns gaze caused an involuntary flutter to his heart.

"Jisung-ah." When had the blonde moved so close to him? Jisung was still, body rigid by the intensity buried in those pits of warmed amber.

His breath hitched in his throat, Jaemin's face was much closer, the blondes breath barely ghosting across his face. Swallowing around the fluttering heartbeat in his throat, Jisung stepped away from the man in front of him. With the added distance he felt the patronizing flutter of his heart calm down.

"I know I'm pretty, but you could've just told me instead." Jaemin chuckled at the flush climbing up Jisung's neck.

"A-ah I wasn't staring. I don't know what you're talking about." Embarrassment reddened his cheeks, eyes cinching closed in a last attempt to hide from the burning gaze.

Boisterous laughter erupted from Jaemin, head thrown back in delight at the brunette's embarrassment. His lips were split into an endearing smile. His gaze dropped back to meet Jisung's eyes, strands of blonde hair falling against his forehead. The contrast between sun-glittered blonde and whiskey amber startled the younger male. Jaemin crowded into the formers space, the corner of his lips quirking into a small smirk.

"Are we about to kiss?"

Appalled by the joking question Jisung's eyes widened to the size of plates. Disbelief colored his expression matched with the bright red streaking across the smooth skin. He spluttered out a short "no" before turning and stomping away.

The slight spring breeze cooled the brilliant crimson staining his cheeks, it, however, did not calm the erratic thumping of his heart. Jisung couldn't believe what he heard, Jaemin was shameless.

"Oh come on! You don't think that's funny?" Jaemin ran to catch up with the brunette who sped away in hopes of making the other disappear.

"No, I do not!"

The Slytherin cackled his signature villain-like laugh, the tones sharp and warm. Jaemin almost had to jog to keep up with the long-legged brunette. Turning his head he saw the crimson staining Jisung's cheeks — a not-so-subtle smug smile grew at the implications hidden beneath the rouge tint.

Perhaps Jisung does like him.

Sorry this is extremely short. It's just a small character study thing I've been trying. I'll work and make sure I publish a longer chapter eventually.

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