|10 Splish Splash

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Nature sung happily, birds flew through the warm beams of sunlight, feathers shining beneath the bright gaze. Much like nature's tunes of birdsongs and rustling flowers and leaves, giddy laughter rung across the rippling expanse of the lake. Three men moved with the rise and fall of the body of water, their shirtless abdomens gleaming in the mists of flying water. Jaemin was one of the three boys playing in the fairly cold body of water, his blonde hair limp against his face, soaked to the scalp in the signature fish and other aquatic creatures smell.

Jisung wore brown cargo pants, the pant legs rolled up to his knees while his feet were submerged in the cool lake water. In his lap was Jaemin's personal journal of knowledge and notes taken during his three year adventure across the world. Small sketches accompanied the scrawl of swoopy and smudged writing - clear signs that Jaemin was particularly excited to note something down.

His companion curiously read over his shoulder, the pink haired Ravenclaw diligently listening while Jisung pointed out different things. The mindless chatter was broken by Jeno's colorful use of profanities, to which Renjun remedied by swatting at the male high up in the tree. The duo sitting at the lakes edge laughed to themselves while Chenle rescued his fellow Hufflepuff from falling on his backside.

Jisung muttered to himself, fingers brushing across the colorful inks and watercolors staining the parchment to form the shape of an Occamy. He smiled seeing the swoopy notes next to the image 'they bite, a lot', 'shells are way heavier than they seem, bruised my foot when I dropped one', 'annoying little buttheads when it comes to medical checkups - size change = extremely hard hide and seek'. Typical of Jaemin to make the strangest notes himself.

Flipping the page in the journal he came across a fearsome drawing of a Common Welsh Green. Blooms of deep red spotted the pages, the dark color smudged across the image of the dragon. Before he was able to read the notes, Renjun rose to his feet muttering, "Let everyone know I'm really tired." as he walked away from the group of boys by the lake. Gently closing the book, Jisung rose his gaze to watch the elder leave, eyes catching sight of the withering chrysanthemums along the pinkette's arms.

"Will do... I hope you're okay." Blue threaded his words, the hue spiking upon noticing no one else saw him leave. Brows tugging together and lips pursed as he watched him go.

The Hufflepuff's banter continued on, gentle words clipped with threatening waves of wands and books. Mark ran past with a wet Donghyuck hot on his heels, laughter-muted shouts of protest following. Scoffing at the ravenette's cries of terror the brunette went back to reading the journal, fingering the drops of ruby substance on the well worn parchment.

An edge of shadows fell across the book situated in his hands. Heading turning upwards the youngest groaned at the ache in his neck, rolling it side to side in attempts to ease the pain. A quiet ouch left his mouth when he reached up to rub at the back of his neck. Eyes clenched shut against the sun Jisung failed to notice Jaemin's looming presence, dripping wet with the earthen smell of the lake.

Sweat beaded across his body, the warm gaze of the ball of gas in the sky finally getting to him. Jisung's palms dampened from rubbing at his neck and forehead — swiftly removing the sweat gathering there. God how he hated sweating in his favorite pair of cargo pants and oversized stripped t-shirt. The cool lake water lapping at his feet hardly acted as a defense against the spring sun.

His tiny pouting session about damp skin was interrupted by the wet plop to his right. The person perched on the sandy bank at the waters edge was none other than Jaemin, the wonderful magical animal inclined adventurer. He loosely held a large fluffy towel over his back, part of a smaller scars decorating his neck and a larger tearing one across the expanse of revealed skin on his back. The largest one piqued Jisung's interest, the contrast between the scar and Jaemin's heavily tanned skin like marble. His marbled skin drew the younger male closer, fingertips outstretched to gently brush over the healed memory.

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