|5 Jaemin's A Dragon Dad?

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Suffocating. The room was suffocating, steam and smoke rising from cauldrons alike. Floating through the humid and smokey room was the mixture of varying scents. Sour and sharp stung the whiskey-eyed male's nose. The current cauldron he hovered over plumed with the dizzyingly sharp scents, Jaemin crinkled his nose in distaste.

Backing away from the boiling elixir, he turned back to his mortar and pestle. As if entranced he continued to crush and grind plants down into an orange salve. Cauldrons bubbling and boiling clashed with the soft grind of stone. Jaemin's voice adding a baritone rumble as he muttered the process to himself.

He was off in his own world, long thin fingers gracefully holding onto the mortar and pestle, working the plant matter into an orange sludge.

"The graphorn is going to kill me. This smells strong." Jaemin caught the smell of crushed fragrant herbs with chalky dragon's horn.

With the burn-healing salve completed, Jaemin has to make sure it works. Groaning in frustration he trudged over to the cauldron boiling the dragon elixir — for a very unhappy and sick hebridgen black. Reaching for the edge of hot metal he pressed the palm of his hand till it hurt.

Hissing in pain he pulled away, eyes downcast at the throbbing red heat. "Oh my fu-." Jaemin whined to himself, spinning away from the hot metal.

He groaned as he scooped some of the orange sludge from the mortar and smearing it atop the burned skin. His noises of discomfort and pain quieted as the salve quickly got to work healing the marred skin.

The elixir was finally done after two hours of bubbling and boiling. Peering down into the oily yellow the Slytherin huffed in disgust. This was his least favorite potion-esq. to create. The smell it gave off was putrefied animal remains. Much like any medicinal syrup it would taste horrible and leave the user sluggish — eventually feeling better, hopefully.

Even more time passed as he waited for the elixir to cool to the point of being able to be bottled. In the mean time he unscrewed a flat cylindrical container scraping the orange burn-healing salve into it, once done he screwed the lid back on. Pulling a small roll of linen from his hoodie pocket Jaemin carefully wrapped his burnt hand, hissing at the oddly rough texture.

By the time he had cleaned the instruments used for his creations the sun hung in the sky burning through the cover of clouds. Pouring the wretched smelling yellow elixir into multiple large bottles Jaemin was done. With a tin of freshly made burn-healing salve stuffed into the pocket of his hoodie along he trekked up the stairs from the dungeon waving to the potions teacher — Doyoung, as he past. With a large canvas bag full of three clinking large potion bottles meant for much larger beings Jaemin headed for the Dark Forest.

His silent journey was interrupted by a couple students throwing rude remarks at him. Comments about how the boy was a disgrace to his family's high status, he's a freak. Without his knowledge on creatures and his parents pure blood status among wizarding families he wouldn't have gotten accepted. He's nothing without them, he owes them everything. One student spat at the ground in front of him calling him "the scum beneath his boot" — that made Jaemin laugh, the prat wasn't even wearing boots.

The whiskey-eyed male had left his occamy companion at the menagerie Xiumin had setup with the help of the headmaster. His menagerie was stationed within the Dark Forest to protect the creatures within, many beginning to become extinct or they're just particularly aggressive. Before anyone was able to step in — Jisung was approaching the older once again, his mind brimming with excitement to hang out per Jaemin's request.

"Don't try and use magic. It's against the rules to wrongfully use magic against others. I have done nothing to instigate this, now leave me alone please." Voice level and relaxed the blonde calmly spoke wearing a bored expression. "I don't see what you'll get out of being rude to me. Now, if you'll excuse me I have a sick dragon to be attending to."

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