|8 Accio Maternal Figure!

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Spring was in full swing, saccharine floral scents danced along the cool breeze. Pollen traveling in sharp twists and turns, the flower dust causing a certain brown haired male to sneeze. He released a small groan, head pounding at the rough jostling his brain had endured. The force of his sneeze tossed his hair about, the chocolate waves sticking up in every which direction.

Discontent warbles erupted from the brunette's lap, Jaemins usual companion had found purchase atop Jisung's lap. The Occamy blinked up at the boy's face, gold eyes inquiring and curious. It's body coiled up on top of his thighs, scales gleaming and shifting between hues of blue and purple beneath the sunlight. Jisung's mouth pulled down into a grimace, apologizing for disturbing the creature's rest.

Boisterous laughter followed, the blonde clearly finding the situation amusing. His whiskey colored eyes tracking Jisung's every move, while the iris' held a playful glint there was a thinly concealed layer of concern beneath. Mouth quirking into a knowing smile at the sharp glare sent his way, Jaemin leaned forward patting the younger's shoulders.

"Why don't we go inside for a bit?" Unfortunately for him, his tone held an edge of condescension.

"No, no it's fine." Waving his hands haphazardously the taller male shifted his weight, careful of the creature curled up on his lap.

Jisung sniffled, already feeling the build up of pressure in his sinuses. Breath whooshing from his body, the young Gryffindor combed his fingers through his hair attempting to tame the unruly mop. His fingers caught on small knots, quick to gently untangle them. The Occamy laying on his lap slithered up to his neck, beak brushing against his scalp — the creature was trying to help.

Once the creature deemed the boys hair untangled it rested its head on Jisung's, releasing a noise akin to a warbled purr. Jisung's allergy-hazed brain slowly registered what occurred. Sighing he ignored the creature, it's body happily curled around his own.

"How come you never let me do that?" Jaemin petulantly whined, lips pushing out into a pout. He shifted closer, thigh brushing against Jisung's.

Pink streaked across the expanse of exposed skin, flushing from the mere contact. Quick to busy himself, the young man pet the Occamys body, hands gliding over smooth scales.

The serene and short-lived moment was, well, cut short by Jaemin shuffling even closer. His bright imploring eyes met the brunette's, gaze intense but feather-soft. Jaemins hands reached for the coiled body of the Occamy, picking up the creature and setting the rest of its body next to Jisung's hip. "Get out of the way, you can't hog him."

Jisung balked at the statement, body going rigid under the weight of Jaemins head laying on his lap. Blonde hair splayed across his thighs flowing over the edges like rivers of golden light, bright eyes gleaming like cut gemstones in the sunlight. Hesitantly he rested his arms next to Jaemins head, mesmerized by the beautiful boy.

"Is this okay?"

"Yeah, it's okay." Jisung swallowed the growing lump in his throat, cheeks flushing redder beneath the former's gaze.

Hesitantly reaching out the Gryffindor ran his fingers through the wavy locks, eyes widening in amazement at the softness of it. The Occamy rolled its golden eyes, slithering fully onto the brunettes shoulders. Once settled, the serpent warbled low in its throat nuzzling into the once again messy hair. Silence passed over the trio, wind blowing the pollen and loose flower petals across the field, shin high grass swaying with each rolling breeze.

Minutes passed by like the overhead clouds gliding through the air in their calm swirl. Sun soaking bone deep, the warm rays lulled the two humans to close their eyes, enjoying each other's company. Jaemin felt a fuzzy warmth creep inside his body, mind faintly registering that Jisung was still running his fingers through his hair. The latter was facing the sky, eyes shut against the bright ball of gas in the sky.

Their serene moment of complete silence besides nature's music was broken by a woman calling out to Jaemin. At the sound of the voice, the older male sat up, furiously blinking to unblur the woman approaching.


Turning his head Jisung saw a beautiful woman with long brown hair tied up in a ponytail approaching them. A long robe of her own hanging over his frame, deep green and blue tones shifting beneath the sunlight. Jaemin pushed away from Jisung, running into his mother's arms happily laughing. The two squeezed each other tight, a hug so warm and comfortable Jisung knew felt like home and safety.

He smiled, lips curling faintly, heart warming at the sight — it must've been a very long time since they've seen each other.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Jaemin's mother gestured in Jisung's general direction.

The two boys let out noises of distress, cheeks flushing harsh shades of red. Jaemin furiously waved his hands, shaking his head along. "It's not like that mom!" His voice cracking at the last word. If someone looked close enough, they'd be able to see the tremors in Jaemin's hands, the shaking of his voice and sparkle in his eyes.

"Mrs. Na, we're just friends." Jisung quietly muttered, fingers curling into the fabric of his pants. His hands dug into the slightly rough fabric, twisting and tugging to hide the slight nervous shake.

The woman glanced over at the boy, warm motherly smile spreading upon noticing his own nervousness. She approached him, her arms curling around his body. Jaemin released a petulant whine of embarrassment seeing Jisung being hugged by his mother.

"I wish you two the best, please take care of him. He won't admit he needs someone to rely on." She spoke in a hushed voice, careful to keep the information she shares from Jaemin.

Her smile was knowing when she pulled away, lips tugging at his flustered expression. Voice caught in his throat Jisung gave a firm nod — he would take care of Jaemin.

Its been a while, but here ya go! I almost forgot to tell y'all that there's only 5 more chapters left. :3 I really hope you enjoyed this!

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