|4 Why Must There Be So Much Land?

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Matte gray robes swished around Jisung's ankles, the fabric coarse and rough against his pant legs. Cool breeze caressing his face Jisung walked across the school grounds. His end destination being wherever Jaemin was. He wanted to learn more about the adventures his new friend had part taken.

Interest piqued and broomless he continued on his long trek around the castle grounds. Brows furrowed in concentration he grumbled to himself, if only his mother would have gotten him a broom before returning to Hogwarts this year.

"Y'know it'd be so much easier if I could just yell 'Accio Jaemin' but noooo..." Jisung scowled at the expanse of sun bleached walls that towered over him.

His adventure led him through hallways full of students, chatty paintings in the grand staircase, and even curious ghost. A few helped give him some sort of direction; Nearly-Headless Nick was of no use, the ancient ghost complained once more about his fail to join the headless hunt. Annoying.

Not only did magical and non-magical creatures flock towards Jisung but it seemed the more "supernatural" did too. One ghost accompanied the young Gryffindor, a knight wearing armor atop a horse. This ghost wasn't commonly seen around inside the castle but rather on the grounds wandering. She was silent unlike many of the indoor ghost, her company a comforting presence as he crossed the grounds.

Headed toward Hagrid's hut he gave the lady knight a grateful nod before jogging towards the uneven wooden door. Knocking, he shifted his weight to the balls of his feet puffing out a faint white cloud of warm air. His eyes followed the knight as she rode towards the dark forest.

Fang barked, quick to alert his owner of the presence of a student. Jisung smiled softly hearing Hagrid's startled yell, chiding his dog for being so loud. The clatter of pots and pans shook the home, the large man maneuvering through the myriad of objects scattered about the stone and wood hut.

The door swung open to reveal Hagrid's large face framed by bushy brown hair — his beard much the same. "'Ello der Jisung, what can I do fer ya?" Fang pushed his way past Hagrid's legs and the doorframe to greet the Gryffindor.

"I'm uh, looking for Jaemin. Do you happen to know where he is?" Jisung rubbed over Fang's head scratching behind the large ears. The dog content with the attention he received.

"Ah, yer lookin fer Jaemin eh? I t'ink he's at ta owlery." At Hagrid's words the brunette nodded in understanding quick to look at the top of the West tower.


Puffs of hot breath fanned across Jisung's face as he climbed the steps of the West tower. His shoes clapping against the cool stone in a rhythm. Each tiny window he past on his ascend peered over the rolling grounds of Hogwarts — a beautiful sight during the days of light dustings of snow and sunlight burning through the sleeping clouds.

The smell of bird poop smacked him in the face, he scrunched his nose in disgust but pushed on. Swinging the heavy door open he stumbled after the door not realizing the force required to push it open.

Jisung's sudden appearance startled the usual laidback and calm Jaemin. He watched as the blonde's eyes widened before a glittering smile took place.

"Hello Jisung. Have you come to owl someone something?" The Slytherin continued writing as Ross the parchment with an ink splattered Snow White quill.

A brown barn owl cooed at the writing male, tapping his thigh with it's claw impatiently. "Yes, yes just wait a minute I know you're excited to see her."

"A-ah no. I came-" The brunette paused to shakily inhale "I came looking for you."

Body stiffening at the sudden pause in Jaemin's writing Jisung sucked in an anxious breath. The magic bearing boy watched the blonde raise his head up to smile softly at him. His eyes twinkled like starlight, gaze brown and warm Jaemin held a finger up for Jisung to wait just a moment.

Rolling the parchment up he tied a rose gold ribbon tightly around the letter. Offering it up to the barn owl he gave a small confirming nod to the bird when it looked at him unsure. With calloused and scarred hands Jaemin ran his fingers through the fluffy feathers patting it gently on the back.

"Get this to her as soon as possible, don't overwork your wings alright? I don't want to have to help you heal your wings again silly." Tapping the small beak Jaemin rose to his feet sending the owl on it's way.

His Occamy slithered out of the kangaroo pouch on his green and silver hoodie. Growing in size the blue and purple animal rested across it's owners wide shoulders. Upon noticing Jisung's presence it swished the long narrow tail as if it were an excited puppy.

"So, what did you need to see me about?" The friendly voice echoed across the cold air in puffs of white breath.

"Uhm well would it be okay if you taught about some of the creatures you met on your travels. I've heard that some of the books aren't accurate." Jisung stopped himself from rambling on further as Jaemin tossed an arm over his shoulder pulling him out of the owlery.


"This is insane JaeMIN—ahh!" Jisung's voice cracked under the stress poured on him like a cup of ice water.

The Occamy beneath them launched itself into the air taking Jaemin and Jisung with it. The younger held tightly to Jaemin's body with a strong grip. His arms wound around the thin waist he buried his face in between the blonde's shoulder blades. Jisung clenched his eyes shut while Jaemin directed the Occamy where to go.

The latter was calm — well as calm as his boisterous villain-like cackle would lead one to believe. He hollered in excitement as the massive serpent glided through the air with its feathery wings.

Jisung was very certain this is not helpful with being taught about the creatures Jaemin met on his adventures, but he supposes he could let it slide. After all, it's not often one gets to ride an Occamy.

It's back baby!! The cute fluffy magic boys have returned. Just a heads up I am making this book the same length as Moonlit Mums! So 9 chapters left baby~~

I know that the Owlery doesn't actually look like that, but hush I'm doing what I want. *sassily flips mullet*

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