"Yes, we are Nik. Back me up Elijah," Rebekah smiled and Elijah laughed.

"I suspect Niklaus would rather choke on the ashes than revive the family tradition of wish writing during the first bonfire of the season."

It was then that Isa came out of the house holding Hope, she'd been very reluctant to part with the child in the small time they'd have with her.

"Ah, let's see what the voice of reason has to say," Rebekah said as they all turned to watch Isa walk over to them, the girl sighed but with a smile as she asked,

"What is the argument now?"

"To write down our wishes for each other to burn for luck. Yay or nay?" Rebekah asked and Isa just smiled as she moved to stand in front of her husband.

"It's Hope's first bonfire season. Do you truly not have any wishes for her?"

Nik rolled his eyes but gave a small smile as he kissed his wife and said, "You're cruel," before he took his daughter from her.

Isa matched Rebekah's triumphant grin as they marched back inside to write their wishes.


Isa's heart truly melted when she saw Nik sitting at the table with Hope standing on his lap as they both laughed.

"Your turn, my love," Isa said as she slid a notepad and a pen on the table.

"I'm holding a small child, this silly wish game will have to wait," Nik said somewhat childishly as Hope raised her hand to his cheek, liking the feeling of his small beard under her tiny hand.

"You write, I'll hold."

"I may be your husband, but that does not mean you can boss me around," Nik said as he moved to hug Hope to his side.

Isa crossed her hands over her chest. "It is precisely what it means, and you do realise that I had to endure horrendous labour and various forms of death, birthing the child that you're holding?"

It seemed impossible to be sad around Hope, even as Nik sighed when Isa scooped up the baby in her arms. Nik smirked as he looked at the two and said, "You didn't actually die. You come back."

Isa rolled her eyes as she kissed his temple and said, "You're lucky I love you," before she walked out and left Nik to write about how he wished for the world for his daughter.


Nik had just thrown the match and lit the bonfire, while a beaming Isa stood with Hope next to Elijah's side, the little baby entranced by the bright colour of the fire.

"Hey, look what I found!" Rebekah said as she came out of the house holding an old Polaroid camera. "I wonder if it'll work," she muttered as she neared them.

"Isa's the resident photography expert," Nik said as he moved to stand by his wife, an arm around her shoulders.

"Look's in good condition. Press that button and try it," Isa observed and instructed as Rebekah showed her the camera.

"Nik, think you can cram us into a selfie?" Rebekah asked as she handed it to him.

"Oh, well, Niklaus is the virtuoso of cramming his siblings into confined spaces," Elijah teased as Nik fiddled with the camera, Isa showing him what to do.

"Well, I'm so glad I travelled hundreds of miles to visit my mentally ill older brother, only to have him insult me to my face," Nik said with a fake pout.

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