6 🐾

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Cat & Dog ; Shizaya

Chapter 6

IF IZAYA AND Shizuo ever looked back on their days as a cat and a dog, it would of been today. And that's because today was the most hectic.


First things first, waking up in their usual places. Izaya was woken up by Shizuo in the most sweetest, and thoughtful of ways. But of course, he wouldn't admit that out that loud. But, he did.

Izaya had felt multiple licks against his face and he meowed, opening his eyes. A furry, blonde face was staring down at him. Shizuo barked and pressed another lick against the ravenette's face. Izaya didn't mind. At all. So instead of reacting he reclosed his eyes and laid back down, his paws falling against his sides.

Shizuo smiled slightly, resting his head against Izaya's stomach and closed his eyes. After a moment of resting, the blonde felt two paws wrap around his snout and a wet tongue licking his face. He opened his eyes and watched the ravenette for a moment, before he smiled slightly at the male, and the ravenette smiled back, resting his head against Shizuo's.

It was one of those morning and both of the males were happy. What else way would you like to be awoken by? Or how? Because honestly Izaya and Shizuo couldn't think of a better way.

Their day was followed by getting up and having a breakfast of fatty tuna and burger, which both of the males both shared like the first time. They were getting close as the days past by, and Celty and Shinra was starting to notice.

Next, Celty, Shizuo and Izaya went out and went to Minami-Ikebukuro Koen Park. They didn't always need to go to the park to do their business. They could of easily done it outside of the apartment. But they liked the walk and the atmosphere of the park. Especially on a sunny day. Like it was today.

They were all sat on the grass watching the clouds float by. They were all relaxing and enjoying their company. For now. Something was going to happen later. They just didn't know it yet. But now. They were all happy.

From there, they all walked around Ikebukuro, exploring and looking around. They wasn't sure how long they were going to be like this, so they were making the most of it. But maybe they were getting too into their animal selves, or maybe it because they'd been like this for so long it was starting to have an affect on them. Who knows? Why am I putting this here you say? Because that was exactly happening.

Shizuo spotted a football out of the corner of his eye, and before he knew what he was doing he was running towards it and knocking it flying. He felt something brush past him. Izaya.

Izaya ran past him and kicked the ball away from the blonde, whilst laughing. He couldn't help himself.

And it must of been only minutes later that both of the males understood what they had just done, and they started laughing, and so did Celty, with her shoulders shaking.

As they returned back to the apartment, they spotted Emilia standing in the doorway, bags of all sorts in her hands. She turned around as she heard the door open and close.

“Oh, Celty! Here you are!” Emilia exclaimed, clapping her hands. “And Shinra was telling me about your companions that have been turned into animals. He won't let Shingen experiment on them. What a shame.”

“Shame?” Izaya muttered, “More like a relief for us. Thank god (or Shinra) for that, Shizuo.”

[Hey Emilia.] Celty typed and showed her PDA.

“Emilia has brought our Christmas presents around. I've left them in our second spare room. I was just about to get our Christmas presents for her and my dad.”

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