9 🐾

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Cat & Dog ; Shizaya

Chapter 9

WHEN IZAYA AND Shizuo woke up, the house was silent, which was unusual, at the most. Izaya and Shizuo had gotten used to waking up to the sound of chatter or food cooking.

Shizuo walked into the living room and neither Shinra or Celty was there, and the room didn't look touched.

Shizuo looked down and noticed Izaya was looking at him. “Maybe they're still in bed. I don't even know what time it is. I didn't even check.”

Izaya meowed and ran past him down the hallway. The cat entered a doorway and came out a minute later, shaking his head.

“Celty and Shinra aren't in there?” Shizuo asked, and Izaya shook his head again. “Maybe they have gone out for food or something?” Izaya meowed and nodded.

Shizuo and Izaya re-entered the living room and looked around. “Let's have something to eat. What would you like? I could go out for something… oh, hey, I found a letter, I think.”

Shizuo noticed and picked up a handwritten note from the counter that had Izaya's and his name upon it. He started reading. “Oh, Shinra’s gone out to do a job, and Celty has a meeting with those Awakusu guys. Maybe a job, too? Right that's sorted. Least we know where they are. Should we have something to eat, then?”

Izaya meowed and jumped upon the counter. He started looking around. He pawed at some bread he noticed.

“Want some toast?” Shizuo asked, as he was looking through cupboards. “I found some soup here. Could have that for dinner.”

Izaya nudged the loaf of bread and Shizuo picked it up and took a couple of slices out. He looked around and noticed a toaster. He popped the bread in and pushed down the handle, and waited for the bread, well… toast, to pop back up.

Izaya sat by the toaster, watching with his head tilted and the blonde laughed. As Shizuo was watching the cat, he noticed Izaya still had a runny nose. “Hang on, a second. I forgot your blanket.”

Izaya turned his head around and meowed. The cat pointed a paw at the toaster and the blonde laughed again, “You wait here, I'll be back in a sec.”

Shizuo left the kitchen/living room and walked down the hallway to the spare room he was still occupying with Izaya. He noticed the blanket upon the bed and he picked it up. He re-entered the kitchen moments later, carrying the blanket.

“Here, Izaya.” Shizuo smiled at the cat and draped the blanket over the cat's shoulders. The cat raised his head and meowed, which made the blonde smile.


Shizuo looked away from Izaya and noticed the freshly done toast. He waited a moment to take it out, not wanting to burn himself. He took out two plates in the meantime, as well as a knife and a tub of butter.

Once the toast had cooled, he took it out of the toaster and sorted everything out, adding butter and with Izaya's, cutting it into four pieces.

Shizuo and Izaya chewed on their toast in silence for a while, and at some point in the silence, Shizuo made some drinks. But still neither of them talked because they were both enjoying their silence with each other. They hadn't spent alone time in a while.

“Wonder what job Shinra is doing today?” Shizuo wondered out loud, “I suppose it'll be dodgy. I doubt it'll be Egor again.” Izaya tilted his head at the blonde, “Hmm? I heard about Egor from Celty. Haven't really met him before. Just saw him in passing. Think he works for Shingen…?”

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