8 🐾

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Cat & Dog ; Shizaya

Chapter 8

SHIZUO WAS CURRENTLY laying on the top of the spare room bed. He ran a hand through his hair and yawned. Today had been a tiring day, or maybe it was because it was a 12:30am in the morning. Who knows?

Shizuo felt somebody pawing against his stomach, and he looked down. It was Izaya, of course. “What are you doing?”

Izaya typed on the tablet, {Why didn't you tell me about this?} Shizuo frowned and the info broker continued, {Your six-pack. You have muscles, and I never knew about this because…?}

“Oh, yeah, 'hey, I want you to know I have a six pack' right in the middle of us trying to kill one another. That makes sense. And if anything, if you were a pervert and had been stalking me, you'd know. But a part from that, it's something impossible for you to know. Anyway, why are you so interested or…” The blonde inspected the cat, “Or, why do you look so embarrassed?”

{Well, it's just you, uhm…} (...have an amazing body.) {It's nothing.}

Shizuo blushed, covering his eyes with his hair. He was embarrassed. It wasn't the fact that it was a cat that was touching his muscles or seeing his body. No. It was because that cat was Izaya.

But it wasn't only Izaya that had failed to notice something they should of from the get go. No. If it wasn't so dim in the room, Shizuo would of noticed Izaya's tired eyes and overly wet nose, and the fact Izaya was very sluggish.

In fact, it was only when Izaya sneezed and moved closer to Shizuo's chest, did the blonde realise something was wrong. Shizuo pulled the cover over them both and wrapped an arm around Izaya's side, before he said, “Are you having side effects from the injection, or… are you sick? Do you have a cold?" and Izaya meowed woefully in response at the last two suggestions.

Shizuo wrapped a blanket around Izaya and pulled him into his chest. He, then, stood up from the bed. As he was walking to the door, he felt a breeze making him shudder. His duvet cover had fallen from his shoulders, but he didn't bother to pick it back up. He was too busy holding onto Izaya. Although, he had also completely forgotten he was just in his underwear.

But without that in mind, Shizuo stepped into the hallway, and looked around. There was a dim light at the end of the hallway, and he walked towards it.

As he was walking towards it, a PDA came out of nowhere and got shoved into his face. [Black boxers, huh?]

Shizuo laughed softly, and rubbed a hand over his face. "Thanks for the observation, Celty. Hey, by the way, where's Shinra?”

[He's watching something in the living room.]


Shizuo entered the living room and made his way over to Shinra, who was sat upon the couch.

"Hey Shinra. Sorry to bother you, but, Izaya's got a bit of a cold.”

Shinra patted the seat next to him, completely unfazed by the blonde wearing just his underwear. Shizuo came and sat next to him. He handed over Izaya and Shinra started looking at him. The underground doctor gently rubbed his thumb over the info broker's wet nose, and he sneezed.

"Yes, you're right. He has got a cold." Shinra ran his hands up Izaya's side, "Hmm... Does it hurt anywhere else? Stomach ache, headache, anything like that?" Izaya meowed softly, and shook his head. "Okay," Shinra nodded his head, "He's going to be okay. He'll heal on his own, but just to be sure, I'll buy some medicine tomorrow. For now, keep him warm, and I'll go make him some warm milk." Izaya placed a paw over his nose, looking sheepish. "I know warm milk doesn't have the nicest smell, but it should taste OK.”

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