10 🐾

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Cat & Dog ; Shizaya

Chapter 10

IT WAS A new day. The usual had happened yesterday. All four of them had a meal, watched another Studio Ghibli film, went to bed early. Nothing spectacular had really happened.

But it was today, that things would change. Izaya hadn't been feeling any different lately, except from his ongoing cold, he didn't feel any different. But could that cold be an incoming sign that things were changing? It sure looked that way.

Shizuo yawned and opened his eyes. He didn't know what time it was, but it was morning. He knew that much. The blonde moved his hand across the mattress, trying to find Izaya, but when he got to Izaya, he didn't feel fur. No, he felt something else.

He felt an arm, and he moved his hand up and reached the info broker's shoulder. And that's when Shizuo gasped and sat up. Izaya was laid beside him.

"Oh my god… he's back… I can't believe—" Shizuo whispered to himself, admiring Izaya's body with a smile, but then... as he looked longer, he realised that wasn't exactly the case. Sure, he was pretty much back. But the ears on the top of his head and tail hanging out of his pyjama bottoms, was another matter. Neko. Izaya had turned into a neko. "Why am I not surprised?" and then Shizuo noted that Izaya was fully clothed. "How come when he comes back, he's fully dressed? But when I did, I was stark naked? Really!"

Although when Shizuo came back, he didn't turn into a neko beforehand, so he couldn't really complain right now, so with that in mind, he fell silent, simply admiring Izaya's soft breathing pattern.

Izaya shifted beside him, and turned around. He blinked his eyes open and a smile formed onto his lips when he saw Shizuo. He reached his hands out to wrap them around the blonde. Then he blinked rapidly and noticed his hands and his arms. He gasped and sat up. He felt his face, then before he could say anything, he sneezed.


It seems like he's still got his cold, too, Shizuo thought. Mhm… that wasn't a sign of him changing back, just like when I had a cold or whatever?

Izaya rubbed his nose, “I'm… I'm… back.” Izaya had his voice back too, although it was very deep and rough, rather from sleep or from his cold. Or maybe it was because he hadn't spoken for a long while.

Shizuo chuckled then said, “Not exactly.”

Izaya frowned, “What do you mean?”

“I don't know maybe you should have a look at the cat ears perched on the top of your head, or the tail hanging out of your pyjama bottoms, Izaya.” Shizuo ruffled the top of Izaya's head, then laced an arm around him and pulled Izaya's tail from behind him and showed the raven-haired male it.

Izaya felt on the top of his head and noticed the ears. The info broker sighed, then said, "I should of known it wouldn't be as easy as this.”

Shizuo chuckled again, “Well, at least we can talk to one another now.” The blonde was really happy. He had missed conversing with Izaya. And when he said that, he meant properly. Sure, they had done that as cat and dog, but now they could do that properly, and really talk. Like before all of this ordeal started. Of course they really hadn't spoken prior to this complete mess. They were enemies, everyone knew that. There was a time where Izaya had of course wanted to end this toxic mess, and Shizuo wished he had accepted Izaya's friendship when he had the chance. But it was OK, Izaya and Shizuo's relationship had changed. They didn't hate one another now, they were sick of fighting, and they were friends.

Izaya laughed softly, “That's true. It feels really great to be able to talk to you again. I've missed that.”

Shizuo blinked rapidly, a smile forming on his lips, “You have?”

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