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The next day I woke up and Louis left the apartment to my astonishment. And the whole next week passed without seeing him one time.

I was in my thoughts when Emely sat down next to me in the cafeteria with a Starbucks in her hand and headphones in her ears. I looked at her asking but she just took another slurp of her coffee.

„What are you doing here I thought you were free for today?" I asked and looked at the clock on the wall. 1.39 pm.

She took one earpod out and pulled a plastic bag out of her pocket and pushed it over. I looked in it „For me ?" I asked as I saw the pink donut in the Starbucks bag. She nodded „I don't know what to do, I don't have homework to do and my parents are just stressing me out at home." she sighed „Sooo I decided to visit my favorite American gangster girl at school." I laughed.

„That's cute, thank you," I answered and took a bite of the donut.

She leaned back in her chair and looked at the wall „Do you remember Louis?" I just nodded„He was in France the whole week for his new movie..." So this is why I didn't see him for the whole week. I twitched my shoulders „And?"

She turned in my direction „this boy is living his best life, traveling around the world just because he's a good-looking actor. I'm jealous!" she said angrily and took another slurp of her coffee.

„It's okay for me, as long as he's as far away as possible to not annoy me," I said and drank my water.

„ I know you missed me." I closed my eyes and shook my head. Louis's voice was sleepy as if he didn't sleep for days.

I turned around and looked at his dark eyes, it felt like everyone in the cafeteria was staring at us and I felt my heartbeat in my chest. It felt like it got louder and louder.

„I want to talk to you." he said and looked around „But alone," he said and smirked. I nodded and gave Emely a quick look before I followed him out of the cafeteria. Ph in France she said...

It was quiet in the hallway, no one was there so I heard myself breathing.

„I just wanted to say sorry." I looked up into his eyes„ Why?" I asked and wrinkled my forehead.

„Cause I was on your phone while you were in the kitchen, that wasn't gentlemen like," he said slowly and rubbed his neck. He looked at the ceiling.

„Yeah..." I said quietly and cleared my throat „That was quite shit."

„Claire!" I turned around and looked at emely. She held my half donut in her right hand and her Starbucks in her left hand on which my bag was hanging too.

I laughed and came up to her to get my stuff „I'm sorry, I don't want to leave without saying anything...I...I just thought it could be something important." She raised an eyebrow „Really?" I nodded „Hmm„

Then I turned around again and looked at Louis „Is that everything?" I asked and shouldered my bag. He licked his bottom lip and my eyes fell on his lips. They looked soft. He smirked and nodded. I breathed in and shook my head.

He ran against me extra when he left the hallway. „Dumbass," I mumbled and went back to Emely. „So what did he want from you?" I took a bite of my leftover donut.

„He wanted to say sorry...oh I didn't tell you what happened last week did I ?" She shook her head„Well he came over and he kinda...stole my phone and read a message." Emely looked at me in disbelieve.

„So you and Louis huh?" I shook my head „Nope I don't even like him and weren't you the one who said I don't have a chance with Louis?" She twitched her shoulders „Changed my mind." I laughed „Wow that was fast."

„Why did he came over ?" She asked interested and threw away her empty Starbucks. „I don't know, he kept saying that he's bored and that's why he came..."

„Okay that's weird...anyway I wanted to ask you something, a few friends of mine and other people going to meet in the eve to hang out in the park...do you want to come ?"

„I have to ask my mom first but I guess I can come." I said and looked at my phone „Hey Em, I have to go now, I have Biologie but I'll see you in the evening I guess." She nodded „20:00," she said and hugged me „See ya."

I put the last piece of carrot in my mouth and looked at the clock over the fireplace nervous. 7:46 pm.

I cleared my throat „Uhm...My friends...they meet in the park to talk and hang around in 15 minutes." My mom looked at me and raised an eyebrow „The parc Uhm the parc next to the school not far away, I'm not going to stay for too long I promise..can I go please?" Mom smiled.

„For sure, no problem but please be home at 10 pm please." I heard James scornful laugh and looked at him. He shook his head „You are too nice to her Jamie, she should help you with the dishes first or do her homework."

„I already did that..." „Shut up!" He interrupted me and I nodded quickly. He looked at me expectantly. I didn't know what to do so I started to panic.

„What are you waiting for ?" He called angrily, I stood up quickly „Do the dishes." „But...I."

„Now!" He fully yelled at me so I winced.

„It's okay honey, she can go I can do them alone." I heard my mom and looked up again. He wrinkled his nose in disdain.

„You can go don't worry." Mom said after I stood there and did nothing for like 5 minutes because I wasn't sure what to do. I nodded quickly and left the room.

*His eyes* ||Fan fiction Louis PartridgeWhere stories live. Discover now