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„Name?" I looked around confused. A small man stood in front of me and looked at me degradingly. He was even smaller than me and I m really small. „Claire." I said and swallowed,, Full name?!" he asked loudly and wrote my name on a piece of paper.

He Kida looked like the facility manager of the school, he got one of these blue work suits with a black belt and some worn-looking shoes.„Full name?!!" I jumped aside. Holly shoot he scared the hell out of me. I heard a familiar laugh from the back but I didn't want to look.

„Andrews." I said quick and clear my throat.He looked up,,Alright miss Andrews, You're late." he said and made a face. „I'm sorry miss The..." „I don't care what miss Thear did, take a seat." I looked at him in disbelieve, how could a man with such a British accent be so rude.

Then I turned around and looked directly into some dark eyes. They were breath taking. I shook my head couldn't believe that I thought that. He smirked as if he knew what I was thinking. I rolled my eyes this boy made me sick even if I just met him a day ago.

I took a seat in front of him to didn't have to look at him the whole time. The man in the front began talking „Ladies and gentlemen, you know why you're here, you did something wrong and have to get penalized now. " He looked around „Mr. Parker, Mrs willows wants to see you, you can go."I heard a mumbler behind me and a handshake.

Then a blonde boy walked out of the room.„Okay, let's go on, were going to clean the schoolyard together, if you wanna go, feel free to go but you're going to get in trouble if you do it."

„But at first, I'm going to tell you the usual things, some of you already know why I have to do this." He looked behind me and shook his head. He meant Louis for sure. „But some of you probably want to know why the British school system does this to you poor teenagers, good question, you guys got enough stress and other things that make your day terrible. I know, I was at school too one day. Yeah, I know hard to imagine but this old man standing in front of you visited a school back in time."

I scrunched my nose, was this supposed to be funny?„I had the same rules as you kids, but you know what I didn't have? One of those snobby private schools, I visited a public school, hard to imagine for you guys..."„Hey shorty." suddenly someone said next to my ear, I shrugged and heard a quiet laugh.

„Why so frightened? Do I make you nervous ?" He whispered. I shook my head and still looked at the felicity man „Fuck off Louis, I'm here because of you." I felt his warm breath against my throat „No you're not, you wanted to talk to me,I'm here because of you."I felt goosebumps. Fuck

„I'm cold, I just wanna go home and this man is talking more than my grandma on the phone, leave me alone now I just want this to end." to my amazement he backed off and left me alone on my table. I looked forward and realized that the old man left the classroom. Suddenly Louis appeared next to me and went to the corner of the room he lifts his arm and onetime you heard glass chirping and a siren. I panicked and jumped up. I had no idea what happened.

I looked at Louis but he just smirked stupid when he saw the fear in my eyes. All the students went calmly out of the class. I was still shaking, did he just triggered the fire alarm?

The siren started to hurt in my ears, Louis walked slowly to his bag and took it with him to leave the room,, Shorty you should come if you don't want to be in trouble." I opened my mouth but nothing came out.

I grabbed my bag and nearly sprinted to Louis and followed him without saying a word. Suddenly the old man appeared in front of us and looked angry. „Run"Louis said quiet and grabbed my arm. I was confused when he pulled me after him but I started to run too.

„Why did you do that ?" I asked out of breath after we got out of the building,, I was bored, and you said you want to go home." he said and leaned against the wall. I looked at him and made a face „They gonna know that you did it." „He twitched his shoulders, I did it a lot of times, no one ever noticed." he said bored and looked at his phone.

„But you know that this man..."„Mr. Jones." he interrupted me„Yeah whatever, he caught us." Louis  looked at me again and put his phone in his pocket,, He knows me, this man never said anything to anyone...were kinda friends you know." I laughed „I'm not joking he likes me even if he doesn't show it." I shook my head „Alright I see." I answered and shouldered my bag.

He came towards me so I had to look at his deep eyes,, I can take you home if you want to."I swallowed, „You don't have a driver's license." He bit his lip „I turned 18 Yesterday princess so say that again."

I looked at the floor, James was waiting for me in front of the school. I shouldn't but I did it,,Okay take me home then." I said.

I told him my Mom's address, we didn't talk the whole time, I still didn't like him. As he stopped in front of the big building I looked at him„Thank you." I whispered and smiled. The corner of his mouth moved up. But he didn't smile. „Are u okay?"I asked and wrinkled my forehead. He nodded„Yup everything okay." I didn't believe him, he looked sad„Bye." I said and put my hand on the door of the car. Otherwise I didn't care why he looked sad.


Thank u guys so much for all the reads in such a short time, I know I update slow but I'm very busy with school at the moment.

Sawwwwyyy <3

*His eyes* ||Fan fiction Louis PartridgeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz