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'Sakura was running again, this time there seemed to be something in the distance.

A town? Her jaw dropped. No, it was what was left of it.

She ran to a nearby wounded civilian. The woman, heavily injured and on the floor, grabbed her wrist. "The Takamato Kingdom... we've been betrayed. You..." she winced in pain as she tried to sit up. "You must tell the King and Queen... about this..." Sakura flinched at the mention of the King.

"W-wait! I already know that, but you need to be treated! Where is everyone else?!" Sakura was frantically trying to apply pressure to her wound as she looked around for other survivors.

"Stop that... I'm not going to make it. Everyone else is probably already dead..." She started to cry. "It's all his fault! Screw Arata Katsu!"

Sakura watched as the woman took her last breath. "She didn't even die peacefully..." Sakura clenched her fist. 'How many more people will have to die because of that selfish bastard!'

The town of Nagakawa was created to show the truce between the Kharis Kingdom and the Takamato Kingdom. People from both kingdoms lived together in peace. Destroying the town meant that the truce was broken. The people who destroyed this town are probably already headed towards the Kharis Kingdom...

'I won't let him hurt any more people! I have to make it to Kharis before them!' She started to run again.

As the gates of Kharis were in sight she realized that the worst had happened. The gates were forced open and the guards had all fallen.

She was too late. The Kharis Kingdom has been infiltrated.'


Sakura woke up drenched in sweat. Someone was knocking on the door.

"Who is it?" she groggily answered.

"Sakura-san, your Den Den Mushi is ringing, Fleet Admiral Sengoku is on the line," Hiroshi called.

"Alright, I'll be right there, just give me a moment." She heard him walked away and took a deep breath. I wonder what Sengoku needs me for...


The storm had stopped and the Red Line was in the distance. There are no storm clouds in sight so that must mean that we're in the Grand Line.

"Hello, Sengoku-san? How can I help you?"

"Sakura-san I know that you are probably back in the Grand Line, but I need you and Garp to go to Shells Town and to arraigned Captain Morgan for his abuse of power."

"Why me?"

"I want you to learn about what happens when you betray the World Government and the Marines."

"Is that a threat?"

"No Sakura, it's a warning. The entirety of Marineford knows about your recklessness."

"Sir, you're telling me like I don't already know this. Don't worry I've been warned. I'll head there right away." She turned to her crew. "Well, I guess we're going back to the East Blue. Set sail towards Shell's Town," she sighed.

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