The Journey to the Oasis Town

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"This is all the breakfast we get?! Seconds! Seconds!" Luffy groaned while banging his bowl and spoon.

"Don't act wastefully! You've had enough calories!" Sanji lectured as he kicked him in the face.

Luffy managed to reach over to Zoro's plate and stole some of his food. They started to fight.

Meanwhile, on top of a rock outlook a bit away from where they set camp laid a man with a bird. He noticed the smoke from the campfire and grabbed his telescope to get a better look at them. As he focused on it, he noticed something.

"Is that... the tattoo on his back. There's no question about it! Fire Fist Ace! He finally showed up!" Oddly enough, he started to break out in a cold sweat. "Portgas D. Ace! How I've been longing for this day!"


"Well, let's get going! Today-" Nami turned her head to see Zoro and Luffy still fighting over the food. 

"Knock it off!" she shouted as she punched the two troublemakers in the head.

"Here we go!" a voice came from behind a rock. Two small figures.

"Yeah!" the other one quietly cheered.

"Now hurry and clean up! We're leaving for Yuba!" Nami lectured. The meat on Zoro's plate suddenly started floating. 

"Huh?" Luffy noticed the piece of meat being taken away with a fishing rod. "W-wow! Awesome!"

"Oh no! They saw us!" one of the small figures alerted. "Hurry big brother!"

"That meat can talk!" Luffy blurted out.

"What? What are you talking about, Luffy?" Nami asked.

The two people started to run away with their stolen meat. "The meat's running away! Wait meat!" he called as he chased the 'flying meat.'

As the two figures ran out and hid behind a rock, they seemed to be two children.

"Get back here meat! Which way?! This way?!" Luffy ran off in another direction.

"We did it, big brother!" The younger one smiled as he took a bite out of the meat.

"Is it good Chip? It's our first food in 10 days! Eat it slowly!"

"I can't believe we got meat! Here, big brother!" he handed him the rest of the food.

"Yeah, we never even had any in the Badlands!"

"Oh? You're from the Badlands?" another voice asked. It was Ace. "From the rustic nowheresville?"

"Who're you?!" the older one demanded. "You can't have the food back!" Ace only stared.

"M-Move and you're dead!" he warned as he suddenly pulled out a gun.

Ace smirked. "I'm not generally fond of dangerous things, but..."

"B-Big brother! Have you shot for real before?! Will it really shoot bullets?!" the younger one asked in fear.

"H-Hell if I know! I'm gonna-" He pulled the trigger.

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