The Bomb

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"Sakura! You made it!" He smiled despite being out of breath. "Do you know... where the gator went?"

"He went in the direction of the mortuary temple, it's in that direction."

"That way?! Thanks!" He started to run off.

"Luffy!" He turned. "Be careful out there."

"I always am don't worry!"


"I'll leave them to you Hiroshi, take care of them."

"Yes ma'am," he sulked. "I'm stuck in the back of the battle once again..."

"I only care about your safety, plus I don't want you to get in trouble if someone catches us working with pirates," she smiled. "And I also gave Smoker my word that his crew would be safe."

"Alright, alright. I know that you-" His eyes shot behind Sakura. "What's that? It seems to be a red smoke pillar. Maybe a signal flare of some sort?"

"Well, that either means that there's something going on there. I'll go check it out."

"Sakura-san please be careful-"

"Yes I know, I'll be careful, don't worry too much!"


"Nami, Chopper, Usopp, and Vivi are down there. Are the others on their way?" Sakura noted as she stood atop a nearby building.

"What's going on?! The Marines helped us!" Nami called out. "Did you find the cannoneer?!"

"We haven't confirmed it yet, but there's no mistake! The cannoneer is over there without a doubt!" She pointed up above her.

The clock tower. That was where the bomb was.

"What?!" Chopped exclaimed. "I see! From that place, he can get a good shot at the Square!"

"If only Pell would get here, we could stop the attack, but I don't see him anywhere."

"Say, Vivi. We can't go up that high within a minute all by ourselves!" Nami mentioned.

"In any case, we should hurry up too!" Chopper insisted. "We have no choice but to use the stairs!"

"Hey! Nami-san! Vivi-san!" someone called up from above them. It was the pervert cook, Sanji.

"Why are you up there?!" Usopp yelled.

"Why? You left a message under the smoke, didn't you?!"He answered. "It said 'clock tower.' That's why I came up here. What should I do? Where's the cannoneer?"

"He's at the top! Top! Go up from there and beat him up!"

A figure appeared overhead Sanji.

"Hey, I looked all over for you guys!" Zoro called.

"Huh?! How did you get above me moss head?!" 

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