The Evaluation

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"Out of all the Islands that Sengoku-sir could've assigned me to, did it have to be a desert island?!" Sakura complained as her warship patrolled outside of Nanohana.

"Sakura-san, please calm down, we'll only be here for a few days to do the evaluation that happens every five years. It'll be over before you know it."

"I know, I know. I just prefer Spring and Fall Islands." Sakura turned to her crew. "Well, let's just get this over with. Get ready to dock y'all!"


The port-town Nanohana was crowded as Sakura and her men walked down the bazaar. "Wow, look at the stalls here! And the smell of perfume is very strong..."

"Apparently, Nanohana handles most import and exports in all of Arabasta that goes to the outside. No wonder why there's such a variety of-"

"Hurry up! Call the others! Captain Smoker is currently pursuing Monkey D. Luffy!" a Marine yelled.

"Captain Smoker? He's that guy in Loguetown, what's he doing here with his men?" Sakura halted. "Is he still chasing after Luffy?! Come on you guys let's catch up to him."

She ran up to the Marine. "Hey! Excuse me, did you just say, Captain Smoker?"

"Hm? Wait, V-vice-Admiral Sakura?! What are you doing here in Arabasta?!" he replied in shock.

"There's no need to be that loud, you might as well announced to the whole town..." Sakura joked. "I'm here in Arabasta because this time I'm the one in charge of evaluating Arabasta, were you not informed?"

"Sorry ma'am, but no I was never informed of this information! Captain Smoker was in quite a rush to head to Arabasta to capture Monkey D. Luffy."

"I see, well then I'll help you guys out." She turned to her men and winked. "Why don't your guys 'look around' to see if you can find the rest of his crew? If he's here, so will his crew." All of her crew nodded.

Suddenly at the corner of her eye, Sakura saw a certain straw hat zoom by in the nearby alley. "I'll head this way then, try not to get lost, you guys!" she waved goodbye and started to chase after Luffy.


She stood behind the corner from where Luffy sat on his barrel. Sakura sensed another strong presence and decided to find out who it was.

"That's weird. Why am I the only one here?" Luffy pondered. "Where did they go?"

"Sheesh! I guess me letting you escape was pretty much pointless." Sakura smirked as she recognized the voice teasing Luffy.


"Yo! Haven't seen you in a while, Luffy!"

"You too Ace!" They both placed their elbows on the barrel, and it seemed that they were getting ready to arm wrestle. I guess it's my time to shine.

Sakura ran out using Soru and launched herself at the boys. Of course, they sensed someone's presence, but couldn't see them. She dashed between them and snatched something.

"You both still react too slow..." Sakura sighed. She held Luffy's straw hat in her left hand.

"Sakura-sama?!" They both yelled.

"What are you also doing here too? And hey, give me back my straw hat!"

"Ha! She took your hat without you even knowing!" Ace guffawed.

"You shouldn't be laughing Ace," Sakura remarked. From her right hand that was behind her back, she revealed his orange hat and placed it on her head. "Didn't I say that you both react slow?" Silence.

All three of them started to burst out in laughter.

"Well it's great that the gang is back together after three years, but you two should get out of here for now. Marines all over are searching for you Luffy."

"Okay, but how are you going to find us again?" Luffy asked.

"Don't worry about it, I'll work some magic, and here your hats," she assured.

"I'll help you find your ship Luffy, let's get going." As Luffy started to walk away, Ace turned to Sakura. "Here's my Vivre Card to make your life easier."

"Heh, thanks Ace, you're always so reliable!" Sakura complimented as she ruffled his hair. 


"Well, it seems like Monkey D. Luffy escaped again. Since we have finished the evaluation in Nanohana, we shall take our leave now." Sakura announced to Smoker and his men.

"Hmph, how could he possibly escape?" Captain Smoker muttered to himself and turned to her. "But, thank you for your help... Vice-Admiral Sakura."

"Anytime," she turned and started to walk back to her warship.

"He hesitated to say your name, how disrespectful can that man get?" Hiroshi scoffed.

"I was surprised that he was actually able to address me like that and not just say 'Vice-Admiral.' But with that aside, I got a favor to ask you all." She stopped just outside of her warship and turned to her men. "Can you guys handle the evaluation of Arabasta for a day or two? I wasn't able to hang out with Luffy much since we had something urgent."

"Of course we can! You can count on us ma'am," Hiroshi saluted along with the rest of the crew. Heads nodded in agreement.

"I'm so grateful to have such a lovely crew! Thank you for accepting my selfish request!" Sakura smiled and got onto her warship to gather her things.


Hm, I think that's Luffy's ship, Ace's Vivre Card is pointing in that direction. Oh well, let's go find out! 

Sakura jumped off the building she was on and used Geppo to head towards the ship.

[End of Part 1]

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