So Long, Ace!

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"Sakura? Sakura! Are you okay?" Ace called out.

"Huh? Oh my bad Ace, I was just remembering something and zoned out."

"Care to tell me about it?"

"There's no need, you already know the gist of it anyway."

"Oh, if it's about your past then I won't press on. I wonder if Luffy remembers and if he actually kept his mouth shut."

"It really doesn't matter to me whether or not he keeps it to himself, but if he does blurt it out, then it'll be a hassle for me to stay in the Marines."

"Well, if you do get kicked out, pops will take you right in!" he teased.

"I would rather not burden pops with my problems if I do get kicked out."

"Don't forget that you'll gain a lot of attention. Just imagine on the front page of the newspaper: Former Vice-Admiral become apart of the Whitebeard Pirates!"

"Well-" Sakura stopped herself as she turned to see a gang of desert bandits riding towards them. "Wanna have some fun before we part ways?" she smirked.

"Got any ideas?"

"I got one. Shoot some fire in their direction for me please?"

"Sure. Heat Haze!"

"Gale!" The fire seemed to move around and shape into... a dragon made out of fire! It flew towards the bandits that froze in fear. The fire dragon slammed right in front of them and created a circle of fire surrounding them. "Now they won't be able to run away," she winked.

"You better teach me that later!" Ace yelled as he ran through the circle of fire.

Sakura jumped over the fire and landed next to Ace.

"Y-You monsters! B-Back off or you'll regret it!" one of them yelled. He seemed to be the leader of the group of bandits.

"You guys were the ones that attacked us first though." They raised their weapons and started running towards Sakura and Ace. She ducked as one of them swung their blades and punched them in the gut. Two were approaching from her left and right. Sakura roundhouse kicked one and then turned and punched the last guy in the face. The bandits were dropping one by one. She turned to see Ace beating up his half of the bandits. One was trying to sneak attack him, so Sakura threw a rock at him, knocking him over.


"What a workout!" Sakura said as she stretched her arms. "That was a nice fight together before we part ways again."

"Yeah, what a shame, I wish we could've hung out more but we both got our own things to do."

"Well, there's always next time! Oh look, there's the Sandora River. Hiroshi's Vivre Card is pointing away from where Luffy's ship is." She turned to him. "I think that it's my cue to leave now. So long, Ace! Be careful and stay safe. I'll see you next time!"

She gave him a big hug and started to walk away from him.

"Goodbye Sakura," Ace smiled before turning around and walking towards the mouth of the Sandora River.


"I'm back you guys! Sorry for being gone for so long!" Sakura announced as she landed on the deck of her warship.

"Sakura-san! Welcome back, how was your trip?" Hiroshi greeted.

"It was very fun!" She smiled. "But now we've got some serious matters on our hands."

"Um, Sakura-san I don't that you should be saying that with a smile on your face..."

"At least now I know that there's going to be something interesting to do while we're here for the evaluation! And Hiroshi, what towns have you guys visited while I was away?"

"The only towns left to be evaluated are Alubarna, Rainbase, and Yuba."

"Perfect. Set course to Alubarna immediately, there seems to be a Warlord here stirring up trouble."

"W-What?! Are you talking about one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea? They're insanely strong! Sakura-san, with all due respect, I think that we should call for backup first before we go in." Tadashi blurted out.

"As long as I'm here, not even a Warlord of the Seven Seas can kill you without getting past me first." The tone of her voice made everyone onboard shut up immediately. "Plus my friends plan on fighting against the Warlord, so of course I'm going to try my best to help them. I do understand that some, if not all of you guys don't want to fight against a Warlord, so I won't force you guys to go. Just stay here and wait for backup. I'll go by myself if I have to."

"If Sakura-san truly insists on going to Alubarna, then we'll all go as well!" someone yelled from the deck. Everyone cheered in agreement.

"Well then, let's go to Alubarna!"

[End of Part 6]

A/n: For those who searched up the move that Sakura yelled, congrats you pretty much know what her powers are! Also, I'm currently working on the concept art for Sakura so stay tuned for that as well! :)

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