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Danny: hello doll!
Meera:where are you idiot??
Danny:wow love no hello no greetings nothing.
Meera: poda!! Answer me where are you?? You didn't even call me once after you left !!!!
Danny smiled!
Danny: awe my cutie pie is all angry now. Actually baby I had some incomplete which truly need my attention that's the only reason I didn't call you and also darling talk to your father I wanna take you home as early as possible. Please love talk to my dear father in law.
Meera: I love you!!
Danny: love you too love.
Meera: Danny I know you were crazy about me but I never knew you loved me to this instinct . I feel absolutely blessed to own you in my life. Basically, I am so lucky to have understanding parents, loving sister and most importantly crazy lover.
Danny:but I have none. Meera could sense the agony dripping behind.
Meera: oh really then what I am to you ah. Okay then let's break up.
Danny was now ferocious now.
Danny: dare you think of quiting now I would take you away with me and tame you as mine with or without your permission. He sounded extremely serious.
Meera: then mister you better keep your stupid thoughts away.
Danny: sorry love!
Meera:it's alright love. Now you have a father mother and sister. Significantly, a beautiful lady whom you can call as wife.
Danny smiled and adored the way she changed the gloomy situation into love.
Meera: okay Danny I have to go down dad is calling me. I love you so much baby! Ummaahhh 😘
Danny: bye baby. Love you too 😍😘

Meera dad: MD, Meera mom:MM, Sara:sa
MD:Meera I know Danny is Keen to marry you soon but I wanna ask you opinion dear. Are you alright in the marriage.
Sa: daddy, you don't have to ask her if you just nod your head she will run away to mama now itself.
Meera glared at Sara.
Mom and dad laughed.poor Meera couldn't control the crimson tint forming on her cheeks.
MD: you tell me doll.
Meera: APPA I am happy with this marriage APPA.
MD: okay then I will call the priest to home by tomorrow. Inform in Danny's family.
An instant idea popped in her mind.

MM: Am very much excited for my daughter's marriage.
Sa: Amma atleast now behave like mom.
MM: hey podi.
MD: it's okay I love the way my wife is.
MM blushed.
Meera and Sara cheered ,"ohh ohh".

It was ecstasy for all of them. The day ended beautifully as meera's and Danny's long time dream came true.

HEARTSTRINGS✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora