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Sameera's Pov:
I never knew Mr. Arrogant had gone through so much agony. This is why he has become so arrogant. But that doesnt mean he should portray himself as Mr. Arrogant..... I was interrupted by Siddharth.
Sid: sameera are you listening.
Sam: yes sir
Sid: you may leave now.
Sam: okay sir.

Siddharth's pov:
i know only you can heal his wound. After all, this monster also has heart. I hope my danny falls in love with you.

Next day:
Sameera woke up early to her mom's surprise. She had her breakfast quickly. She went to office.She directly went to mr. arrogant's cabin.... But

Sameera's pov.....
When i went in i dint find him to my dismay. I was very much disappointed.  When i came out i got a call from mr. Siddharth.
I attended the call.
Sid: sameera please go to danny's house.  I have very important meeting. You please go and take care of him
Sam: but sir.....
Sid: please dear.
Sam: okay sir.
After the call i went to Mr. Arrogant's house. I went in, his maids and security greeted me.
I went to his room he was sleeping so peacefully. I never knew Mr. Arrogant can also be this cute. My lips curved into smile instantly.
I went down and prepared lime juice. Then i went to his room taking the juice. When i went i saw Mr. Arrogant was in his half sleep. I went and placed the tray on the side table. I dont know what came up in my mind......
(s: Sameera and d:  Daniel)
s: good morning sir.
I thought mr arrogant will reply me but his action made me collapse.
He pulled me and i fell on bed. He hovered on me.
D: what the hell are you doing here.
S: sir I I..... I went to office, but unable to find you just then Mr. Siddharth called me and said to meet you. Am sorry i shouldnt have come here.
I said everything in one go but still his dark brown eyes was staring at me. All of a sudden Daniel kissed me on my lips. He kissed me passionately, lovingly soon the kiss turned into dominating. I was holding his shirt so tight. I pushed him with all my force because i dont know where will this end. He stumbled at first then he made himself stable. I got up and was about go but he held my hand.
D: am sorry. I was just carried away
S: i think i should leave.
D: no,dont
S: why???
D: please stay with me for a while.
S: alright have your juice first.
D: sure.(smiling)

HEARTSTRINGS✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang