Chapter - 10 : Anger Problems

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"Excuse me? What did you just say?" Ava said, stressing on every syllable.

"I said, wouldn't you know all about calling people that? You're surrounded by people like that all day!" Harry shouted.

"Harry!" Hagrid and Hermione gasped in unison. Ron tried to say something too but he looked so pale that he might be knocked out any second.

"What do you mean?" Ava yelled.

"Well, I can see that you've let them buy you in!" Harry pointed at her broom. "And you don't even play Quidditch!"

"I will have you know that I purchased this with my own money! Just because McGonagall bought you your broom, doesn't mean everyone else gets that! I have my own money! And to think that you were my friend! I'm the new Chaser on the Slytherin team. And I'll make sure to beat the crap out of Gryffindor in the match. See you on the field, Potter. Be sure to wear extra protective gear, or who knows what could happen!" Ava roared threateningly, as she left Hagrid's - almost in tears.

She entered the Slytherin changing room and glared at Malfoy and saying, "I'll deal with you later!", she hurriedly went into the left side of the changing rooms and changed into her Quidditch robes.

Her body was boiling with fury. Even Quidditch didn't have the normal effect on her. She kept chucking the Quaffle in the hoops so hard that in the end, she hit Keeper in the gut that he got knocked out and they stopped their practice for the day.

Flint was, to say the least, very pleased with her ability to score goals. Though he felt that she needed to control her temper, he was sure that Wood won't stand a chance against her if she hit him in the gut as hard as she'd hit Montague (the Slytherin Keeper).


Ava's foul mood continued throughout the weekend. Lockhart stayed clear of her and she stayed clear of Harry. Hermione told her many times that Harry felt sorry, but Ava didn't care.

Malfoy had gotten the worst end of the stick. She'd personally made sure that Peeves made Malfoy's life to be hell.

That Sunday night, however, freaked Ava worse than any other day of the year. She heard a voice go up the walls of the seventh floor, where she sat near the Library.

"Come... come to me.... let me rip you.... let me tear you... let me kill you..." the voice had said.

"What was that?" Ava said out loud.
"What was what?" Hermione said from where she sat, finishing her essay on Mandrakes.

"Nothing. I thought I heard something. Must've been dreaming," Ava dismissed it.


Hey! I hope your day has been going well! I hope this book / chapter helps if it wasn't!

Thanks so much for reading! Lots of love!


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