Chapter - 2 : The Delightful News

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It was nice for Ava to make a new friend near home, someone from whom she wouldn't have to hide her powers or her school.

Throughout the oncoming weeks, Leah met Cedric and his father, Amos Diggory, occasionally. They had dinner together almost once every week. It was nice; it was like having a father and a new brother. Cedric felt the same way. The four of them had made a family of their own.

Between Amos and Leah, the two of them seemed like siblings. They'd all made friends with each other.

Amos Diggory was the head of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. So every morning he headed off to the Ministry of Magic.

They'd even celebrated Ava's birthday together and the Diggorys gave Ava a wonder collection of new books.

One day, Ava received a very short letter from Ron saying -

Dear Ava,

I'm getting really worried, that's why I'm planning to rescue Harry from the Dursleys. Fred and George have agreed to come with me. I'm going tonight.

Hope you're okay.
Love, Ron

"How is he planning to go?" Ava said out loud.

"What?" Leah said from behind her.

"Huh? Oh, this," she handed the letter to Leah.

Leah carefully read the letter and said cautiously, "Well, at least we know that he'll be safe by tomorrow morning as long as they don't die while coming back."

Ava burst out laughing. Leah simply rolled her eyes and went back to finishing her work.

A few hours later, Hermione sent her a letter too -

Dear Ava,

I'm sure Ron has told you about Harry's 'rescue' mission. I was wondering whether he'd told you how he was planning to get there. He was very vague in the letter he sent me.

But anyways, I'm planning to go to Diagon Alley next Wednesday. Does that work for you? Let me know, so that we can meet up together.

With love,

"Leah?" Ava called.

"Are you free next Wednesday? We need to go to Diagon Alley!"

"I'll take a leave. I don't mind," she said as she came in the room carrying two mugs of hot chocolate and handed one to Ava.

"Thanks, Le!" Ava hugged her.
"Careful!" Leah pointed towards the drinks.

And then before going to bed, Ava sent her response to Hermione confirming that they'd meet her next Wednesday.

Another delightful news came in the morning, Harry was now at the Weasleys'.

I can't-
I'm dead -


I -
I don't know what to say!

Thank you guys soooooooo much!!

It's been so wonderful to know that you enjoy reading this book!!! I promise that if you stick around till the Deathly Hallows book, YOU. WILL. NOT. BE. DISAPPOINTED!!!!

I am so grateful to you! I hope that you continue showing your love to this retelling of Harry Potter! Thank you so so sooooo much!

Lots of love!!!


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