Chapter - 8 : Reasons to Hire

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Between Harry constantly trying to dodge Colin and Lockhart, Draco bad-mouthing him whenever he could and Ron's malfunctioning wand, Ava was very glad that it was finally Friday evening.

On the day she'd penetrated Professor Snape's mind, Ava had received almost an exactly similar letter to the one she'd received after penetrating Professor McGonagall's mind but this time she didn't feel as elated.

Nonetheless, she couldn't wait for Friday. There were a few things she wanted to ask Dumbledore, few thing that had been keeping her awake.

"Professor?" Ava started. "Professor, I was wondering, why did you hire Lockhart to be the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher when you can clearly see that he's a fraud. He doesn't have an ounce of talent except in publicising himself."

"Ah, I was waiting for you to ask me. Well, to tell you the least, the man can perform extraordinary Memory Charms. But other than that, as you said, he doesn't have an ounce of talent.

"But why did I hire him?" he continued. "Well, I thought it was clear. There is a war coming, Ava. I don't know when or how, but it is coming. And I'm not sure whether you know, but they say that the post of the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher is in a way, cursed. None of the teachers last longer than a year, at best.

"Gilderoy would have been a liability during this war. People would look up to him to do something, but he wouldn't be able to lead. The people believe him too much, he would crush their spirits," Dumbledore finished.

"So, this is a death sentence for him?" Ava felt shocked.
"No! Don't be silly, my dear! We're trying to prevent deaths, not cause them. No, this is merely to keep him out of public sight long enough for them to feel uninterested in him as he won't be able to look for new material to write about, so people who don't follow him on regular basis, would loose all connections to him and so on," Dumbledore explained.

"So we're trying to defame him?" Ava summarised, still shocked and disgruntled.

"Not exactly. But it is something that must be done. It's for the greater good of the Wizarding World. We cannot let a man who cannot lead, stay in a position of power for too long. Don't you think it's right for the greater good?" Dumbledore said softly.

"Hmm. Yes, you're right. It had to be done. There was no way around," Ava said at last.

Then the class continued. In today's class, Professor Dumbledore taught Ava how to communicate longer distances by simply thinking about it. Ava had been very excited to learn this. With such a method, she wouldn't have to write a letter to Leah and wait another three days for a response.

Felt I must add here : yet she did continue to write letters just because it felt good.

But like, I love playing badminton and I played the sport after almost close to a year and I FEEL SO GOOD!

Anywho, hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Keep the comments and votes rolling in! Have a nice day or night, whenever you're reading!

Lots of love!


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