Everyone was on the couch watching tv, so their backs were facing me. I climbed up one step and just as I thought that no one would notice me, Riv's eyes land on me.

"Bella! Heyy we were just waiting for you. We're going to eat lunch now," she smiles.

Lunch together? Did they not remember what had happened earlier at the kitchen? I'm mentally face palming right now.

They all stood up and walked to the kitchen while I was left in the living room shocked that Lachlan and Daniel would actually be in the same room right now.

That and also because I'd have to be in the same exact area as Daniel. I really don't want to see his face after earlier, but I have no choice because he is fucking staying in the same house as me.

I walk to the kitchen and sit next to my mom which was also across Daniel. I had no choice because it was either to sit across him or next to him. Screw this damn table for having 9 chairs. One of our chairs were broken so that's why we have an odd number of chairs for this rectangular table.

We were eating steak and salad. Me being me, I took only the steak and rice and started eating. My head was only faced to my plate and I never picked my head up.

Lachlan and Daniel were casually talking to each other just as if they weren't about to rip each other's heads off earlier.

My curious self blurted out, "So why the sudden being nice to each other with Daniel and Lachlan?" My head was still watching my plate though.

"We made up earlier," Lachlan says and he sounds like he's smiling, so let's just say that he is indeed smiling.

Flashback in Daniel's POV:

I stormed up into my room after the whole 'I was using you for sexual reasons' thing with Belle.

God, I'm such an idiot.

Well, actually, this isn't even my room. This shit it fucking Thomas Morelle's room which makes it 10x worse. I had no choice though because there is no way I can stay in anyone else's room. I'd go to John or Amanda's room, but they'll do the 'my room, my rules' thing.

Right when I got to the bed, the door opened revealing my dad.

Fuck, can today get any worse. Yesterday was bad enough.

"Hey, can we talk?" he asks.

I mean we were going to have to talk someday so why not now.

I nod and he plops his body onto my bed.

"I'm sorry about earlier," he apologizes looking up to me.

I figured.

I just stay silent and he continues, "I feel very bad that I didn't ask your and Amanda's opinion about me proposing. I just thought that you would say no to it and that means I wouldn't have asked Riv to marry me."

I sigh, "That's not the only reason I was mad. You are acting like mom never existed and you've acted like that for a while now. When we talk even just one thing about her, you would change the subject and it's like you don't want to ever think of her again. And it feels like if you're trying to forget about her, you'd slowly forget about us or even abandon us once you have your little babies with Riv."

He shakes his head, "No, Danny. I would never ever forget your stupid ass," he laughs lightly. "You and Amanda are my children and I would never ever do such to you guys. And as for your mom, I never want to talk about her because I don't want to be reminded about the death of the woman I really really loved. I am reminded enough when I look at you and Amanda. You guys really remind me of her and that's enough to be reminded of. I love all of you guys equally and I will always love your mom. She'll always be in my heart. You just have to know that at some time, I would have to move on. And I've moved on and met Riv. Another woman that I extremely love and it's not like we're gonna have kids. I don't want kids. You and Amanda are already too much to handle," he says smiling and joking about the last few parts.

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