Chapter 7 Jealousy

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Happy early Valentine's Day !!!!!

Seth dragged me through the parking lot where vey few cars were sitting but he had a definite path picked out and the path lead to a very large Chevy Tahoe.

"Is this yours?" I ask Seth.

"Nope it Ian's but he said we could go to lunch so we are taking his vehicle whether he like its or not."

Seth and I round the passenger side of the SUV. He is at the front door, hand reached out for the door, I shake my head. I will not sit up front with two other boys that are taller than I sitting in the back scrunched up.

"I would rather sit in the back if its all the same to you." I state in a way that normal would reburke no argument and this time doesn't seem to be any different because he just shrugs and moves to open the back door. I climb in while he makes his way to the driver's seat and Rhys and Ryan make their way into the car on either side of me.

I still have more questions and I want to ask, I mean the worst they can do is tell me no. They may not answer all my questions but I felt the tension leave us when we walked out of the office so maybe they will answer more without Ian there. and if they don't answer one I just hope they have a good explanation later on when they can answer it.

We pull up to a quiet diner about 20 minutes away from the school. I wonder why we went so far away I mean there had to be a closer place to eat. I stay silent about this observation.

"Here we are the best comfort food for miles around." Rhys says as he opens my door. Ryan and Seth roll their eyes and I see why when Rhys shuts the door. The re is on the marque it says the same thing.

Well I can rule out that this is their favorite place to eat. I giggle though because he is trying. My happiness isn't lost on the others who smile at me.

We walk in the front door and find our seats as a waitress in her early twenties walks up. She sees the three stunning boys that brought me here and the first things she does is flirt by batting her eyelashes and next she is leaning close to Ryan, who is sitting opposite of me. Her boobs are on display for the entire table and its when I notice that she has no support that I break.

"Sorry ma'am but can you just get us some water for now and we will let you know when we are ready to order." I say in the sweetest voice possible.

She looks up at me, just realizing I am there and storms off. The guys are just staring at me like 'what the hell?'

I grab my menu and start looking it over, "So what is good here?", I ask the guys.

When I look back up after receiving no answer they are sitting there with open mouths. Humph. I look back down at the menu. I'll just pick a salad then.

The waitress is back with our waters. I close my menu and look up at her.

"I'm ready to order." I look at the guys. "Are y'all?" they simply nod.

"I'll have the chicken Caesar salad," I tell the waitress but she isn't looking at me she is checking out Seth. Again! I clear my throat and her smile drops as her eyes land on me, the boys looking at their menus don't see. I repeat my order in my sweeter than southern tea voice and a mega watt smile. She rolls her eyes but jots down my order.

I want to rip her head off as her attention turns to my new friends all giggles and smiles. And if she even thinks about touching her she'll have two blacks eyes. The boys that surround me are mine not hers.

I shake myself, what has gotten in to me? How can I make a claim on them when I have only known their names for a short while?

The boys must have ordered while I was having my internal violent rant. I see her wink at Seth and then head to put the order in. I send a glare after her as she goes about her duties but frequently looking over at our table.

When I look back from her I notice the guys are looking at me like I have grown a second head.

"What?" I ask a little too loud. Rhys and Ryan mumble and look out the window. Seth on the other hand goes to touch my hand but then thinks better of it and lays it on the table next to mine. I am not sure how his powers or mine work exactly so I am grateful that he didn't.

"what's wrong with you?" he looks at me with compassion filled eyes.

"I don't know," I say not wanting to admit the claim I have on them.

he gives e a look "Really?"

I look down and then up at him through my lashes and quietly mutter "No"

Taking a guess that his powers work through touch I hold out my hand for him. He looks at me silently 'asking are you sure?'. I nod he takes my hand and smiles. So I was right which mean......Sugar cookies! Oh well can't be helped now but I plan to have a talk with him about this later.

He nods in understanding and the tension that I didn't know my body held flows out at least a little bit.

My reaction cause more questions to develop and go unanswered.

For now!

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