Chapter 3- Ouestions

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Hey guys. Why here?" What is this school?" I look around at them, or not because I feel like a complete idiot. I am getting weird looks and they start having a silent conversation.

Change of plans "can you just show me to my homeroom?" They stop looking at each other and look at me instead. "sorry this is just a lot to take in," I pause trying to decide if I should be completely honest and trust them. I let out a breath in a huff before starting. I don't know why I am here. I don't even know why this school is so special. The only person who does was my mom. She died shortly after my 14th birthday. The only request she had was for me to attend this school after I turned 15." I took a deep breath and let it out quickly trying to keep the tears at bay.

Understanding pools into Ian's eyes, finally seeing how lost I am. I let out a huge sigh. Okay now maybe they wont look at me funny when I ask silly questions.

Seth asks in disbelief, "So the Headmaster explained nothing about this school?"

I shake my head in despair.

I see Ian send Seth a silencing look. I want to say something to Ian but its not my place.

Ian asks, "what about your mother? Did she tell you anything before she passed away?"

"No never got the chance. She though there was more time. She was going to explain on my 14th birthday but before she could, in the early morning hours of that morning, she slipped in a coma." I am barely holding back the tears that fill my eyes but they don't overflow, they cant just yet. "Then she died a couple of days later never regaining consciousness."

Seth seeing how close I am to crying comes over to me and offers me a hug. One I gladly accept because at this point I really need it. As he pulls back from the hug, Ian gestures to a table that has emptied.

I take a seat and Seth follows me down sitting on my left side with his arm still around my waist and one of the twins sit on my right side. I look up and see that its Rhys with another one of his smirks. I am starting to think those are a regular occurrence. Ian sits across from me and Ryan sits between him and Rhys.

Seth seems the most distraught over this fact and turns a pleading gaze on Ian.

I turn to look at the others in the courtyard not wanting to be an onlooker for their silent conversations right now. None of the girls have moved from their groups since I entered the courtyard. But then I see a pair of girls chatting and six guys surrounding them. As I look closer there are two distinct groupings of boys gathered around these two girls, three a piece. The longer I watch I see how the boys don't interact between their invisible lines. When the two girls are done talking the girls hug and the two groups go in separate directions. Each girl holding two of their own boys hands while the third trails behind them and appears to be scanning the area. My dad usually does that but he is ex-military.

When I look back to my table the conversation is still going on between Ian and Seth. So I tap Rhys on the shoulder I can still see the two groups as they exit the circle of trees and concrete. I point at the two groups and explain what I saw. He tenses up at the mention of what I saw.

"What just happen I mean I saw the two girls talk and then go two different ways, but that's not the weird part. The guys never talked across the groups. Then the weirder part is that both girls held two of the boys hands as they walked off while the third one What's going on?" by the end of my questioning I have all the boys attention. I dip my head to try and disappear from their gazes. I so want to run and hide.

Seth pulls me in closer to his side. Now I want to take the comfort of his touch and hid in it. I don't want to move from his arms either.

"its hard to explain and even harder to understand if you aren't born in to it. So right now the answer is its complicated," Ian interjected before Seth could say anything when I look up in his eyes I see he wants to say more than has been said but can't.

I don't think they agree on how much I should know at this point. But I have the right to know more, don't i? I don't think twice.

"Is it complicated or you don't want me to know right now? Just tell me the truth!" I look at them with heated anger, "I hate lying and I have had more than enough of it today for my lifetime." Right now I just want this day to be over.

Ryan turns to Ian asking a question with his eyes. Ian inclines his head to answer my question.

I can feel Seth take a breath, bracing himself for my reaction.

"its complicated and we are afraid that you might not fully understand at this point." Ryan says slowly.

At my lack of reaction Seth relaxes a little. He is still looking at the others to see if they could share anything else hoping that maybe they can but I know there is nothing else that they can share right now.

I think a subject change is in order for all our sakes. "Since I have spent the better part of the morning getting here, in the Headmaster's office and talking to y'all, what about my classes?"

"the first half, before lunch, is by apt only, basically individual lessons but only on subjects that...... interest you," Ian states matter of factly, all business. "we could introduce you to our mentor though. He should not have any appointments this late in the morning."

They all stand waiting for me. I lean down to grab my bag but before I can reach it Rhys has already grabbed it. I try to stand straight but I over correct and start falling. Just before I hit the ground I feel arms wrap around my waist.

Before I can say anything he has me standing on my feet, "We have to stop meeting like this." Seth and I laugh and Ian smiles. A confused look flashes over the twins faces. My faces is inches away from when I turn back to look at him his lips are close. I look from his lips tp his eyes and see emotions dancing in them.

Ian must have explained to the twins because they are smiling.

"I swear I am not usually this clumsy," I look at them, "its just around y'all." They all smile seeming to like the fact that I only want to fall around them.

I turn to Rhys, "Finally out of you."

His eyes dance with happiness.

"Okay off to meet this mentor!" I say to Ian.

He nods and heads toward the gardens. Seth and I following behind him and the twins following behind us.

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