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     The next time I look up we are back at the school and Ian is out front waiting for us. He has the same stoic expression on his face but his eyes look leery.

As we walk up the drawbridge I see the campus is doted with people. People much younger than me here.

"Where would you like to start?" Seth asks as we walk through the main part of campus to the courtyard we were at earlier. I see a door that catches my eye the door is surrounded by stained glass windows that depict many different flowers along the multicolored glass.

"that's as good a place as any." I say pointing toward the door. I just want this day to end, no more drama, no more surprises I'm not sure how much more I can take.

We walk toward it and enter a room that is flooded with light from the ceiling made of windows and plants everywhere, a greenhouse. The light flows through the colored glass and hits the boys painting them all different colors. I breath in the scent of the damp earth, flowers and plants. The peace and serenity I feel here is amazing, I just found my favorite part of the castle. But the technical speaking leader breaks the calmness that envelops me.

"This is the greenhouse where we learn about plants that can be used in a survival situation." Ian states.

What kind of things is this school preparing them for? "Why?"

Rhys and Ryan both have raised eyebrows. Ryan speaks up, "That confirms it!"

"Confirms what?" I ask

They ignore my questions and shoot looks back and forth between the four of them. I knew nothing about the school that should have been apparent from the start but this is seems deeper than not knowing survival skills.

"I know I am new to all of this and know nothing but I thought I was sent here to learn. So far I have only questions and more question add to the ones I showed up with this morning whenever one of you open your mouth. So someone needs to start explaining before I throw my hands up and I march out the front gates!" I am yelling by the end of my rant. So much anger that has yet to surface is boiling. I hit a low in Uncle's office today well I am about to blow the top off now.

I look around our group seeing that we have drawn the attention of people from the courtyard I calm down and ask in a quieter voice. "Why do we need to learn this and what do we do with our gifts?"

They hesitate to answer, I want to trust them but they are making it hard to do that with the amount of secrets they are keeping.

"We have to tell her something!" Rhys pleads from the rest of them.

Ryan follows his line of thought, "at least what we do here."

They both use their puppy eyes on Ian and Seth. Those two look at each other before looking back at the three of us.

"Ok we can tell her what we do just leave out the ummm...details until later." Seth says while Ian stares the twins down.

"We protect high profile clients or important people that have much to offer society, eventually." Ryan says "we have a group we work in." he looks around to see the reaction to this and to see if he can go further, I hope he can.

But it looks like nope with the warning look he is getting from two of the others. I walk closer to Seth and lean into his side wanting his arms around me. He looks down when I look up he looks desperate and lost. He wants to say more but I also feel that the entire group has to agree and I know one grumpy bear that doesn't and won't. he comforts me with a tight squeeze.

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