Chapter 6 Problems

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I listen to make sure they are out of hearing range when I turn to the professor.

"We have a serious problem!" I sigh, "How are we suppose to explain what happen in the courtyard?"

"we cant lie to her, she has been through enough of that for now don't you think?" Professor Byron states. "What exactly did she see this morning?"

"She didn't talk directly to me, She asked Rhys what was going on when she say a girl walk out of the courtyard holding hands of two boys with a third following beyond that I cant be sure if she saw anything else, that was the tail end of their discussion. Our answer was basically, we just told her it was complicated and we couldn't explain just yet." I ran my hand over my face. We just got her I couldn't allow her to just walk back out, especially without a fight.

"You made this a lot more difficult on us!" I say taking my rage and fear out on the one person I know that can handle it. " How could you simply not tell her what is she a part of?"

"I made this difficult? I followed a request that was made by my dying sister. But sir you, you did more damage than I ever could the moment you denied her request for more information about yourself and ignored her the entire time she was in here. I see your fear, son. But you want to know what I saw on her? Well I could care less I am going to tell you whether you like it or not. I saw compassion understanding but the brightest ring was one of love, not for me but for the four of you. She only just met you and look at her, heck look at them, they are wrapped around her little finger already. How long do you think it will take them to fall completely for her? For the bond between them to strengthen? Do you want to miss out on that because of what happen with a girl that quiet frankly couldn't buy Cassie's class even if she had all the money in the world."

He sighs but continues, "I have my own regrets. I stayed away from her because I had my doubts about what her mother was doing. Keeping this from her for so long. We argued right before the accident, I'll never get that time back or be able to say how sorry I am." He pauses and looks directly at me with tears brimming in his eyes, "Don't do that to her and don't do that to yourself."

"I was going to tell her so many times after her mom died even if it went against her mother's wishes. But I had no proof her father doesn't know anything about this school or her powers. She met him on a mission, she ran away from her team no one knew where she had gone until months later when she contacted me to say she had a baby girl."

"Crap!" I say out of frustration.

"You and the boys are going to have to keep her from the committed groups until we can come up with a way to explain this with out her running. She is the first one that I know of to live out side of our norms." He adds the last part as an afterthought.

"how could this happen to us? We have been together for so long we knew how this would work we knew we would be in a group since we started classes. Unlike other groups that took years for their members to fall together ours were the same from the start. My biggest concern is that she'll run like her mother did." I want to punch something and not just a damn wall.

She fits so well she brings a softer side to our rag tag group of childish boys. We have all dreamed of the day our girl would join us. The twins lost hope after we turned sixteen with no sight of her. I don't want to think about our close call last year right after our seventeenth birthday"

I come back and realize the professor has been talking and I haven't heard a word he has said., "I'm sorry professor can you repeat that?"

"Yes yes, I said I have a plan that should work for now." He pauses making sure that I am listening, "starting tomorrow we'll have to flip your schedule and figure something to do about your classes."

I nod in understanding. Almost all of the committed teams are in their last years of school like us while the lowerclassmen aren't in their defined groups and don't show the affection amongst themselves like the older ones did in the courtyard today. I just hope the boys will understand and can put up with the fawning from the younger girls.

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