Chapter-2 Get some therapy

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Izuku's pov:

I Uploaded a new song so I could focus on training without worrying about the agency.

I currently had approximately three months to train for the U.A entrance exams which were going to be held soon, thus I had to give my best for the training. I remember a time where I used to visit here with my brother, the feeling of sand between our toes, the sunlight hitting our skin and the soothing sound of the ocean waves. How beautiful was once this place and now look, what it has been turned to. Cans and dirty bags littered the whole beach, ruining its beauty, thus I figured a good way to build up my muscles and clean the beach. The thought of bringing back the beauty of the beach was sweet. My thoughts changed as I remember that I was never really comfortable with my quirks, I regret the fact that I have them and my brother doesn't. And right now, I need to figure out how to use them. Great time to start, don't you think?

I visit Izuku once a week and while I meet my agency also quite sometimes, what can you say? I gotta show my face to my agency every once in a while. I liked my agency for its light-hearted spirit. As long as I did everything on my schedule, they didn't care and supported me in my music career. Uriel was always also supporting me often, I always returned home hungry after training and he was the one who made sure to feed me proper nutrition. He was basically like the father I never had.

He was always there for me. I kept trying to change his mind from going to U.A high but he wouldn't budge. I didn't want him to get hurt, he wasn't the 'hero' type.

Though he came by to the beach once-in-a-while to practice his skills too.


I pulled hard on the breast binder. God! This was suicide. I literally couldn't breathe. I pulled harder and groaned again, this was too hard

"What's wrong?", Uriel asked from outside the changing room.

"This is freaking hard, much harder than I thought", I huffed.

"I wonder whose fault it is, that you have to go through all of this. I mean it definitely wasn't my idea to dress up as a boy and go study in UA!"

"Hahaha...very funny. They're done!", I exclaimed finally when I finished wrapping the devil's tail around my chest. The fact that I have to put myself through this every single day!

Once I had completed my training Uriel handed me a green wig which was supposed to stay on my head because of his friend, Mei who said so and the reason was unknown. I grabbed my healthy lock of hair and secured them with a pin and then added the wig on top of it. So my hair would not slip out of the wig.

I put up the new dance video I had recorded a while ago

Once I was done Uriel reminded me, "Let's get going, we're gonna be late"


I cleared my throat and said "Hi, I am Izuku Midoriya"

"yep that sounds just like Izuku", Uriel said while nodding his head

We walked through the large gates with our palms sweating and heart racing, both of us were nervous even Uriel, just because he was a boy will not guarantee him to pass. 

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