chapter-5 Pumpkin spice latte

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Izumi's pov:

After that horrible prank and me almost killing him, we parted ways. He had offered to drop me off, but I declined since I wanted to visit my brother before going home. Obviously, I did not tell him about my brother.

After reaching the hospital, I quietly went towards the room Izuku is and opened the door slowly. My heart stopped beating.

Every time I see Izuku there on the bed silently, I feel like breaking down, but then again, I know my brother, he's not the type to give up.

Assuring myself that he will get back to normal soon, I leave and go to the nearby beach to take a stroll and relax. I enjoyed the frosty breeze for a while and then headed back home since it was getting late. Once returning to my home, I nervously fidgeted with my fingers for a while. Tomorrow will be the first day of high school. It's reasonable to be nervous, right?

I checked my phone and saw a notification from u.a. What could this be about? Did they have an inaccurate estimation of points, or did they figure out I was a girl, am I going to be kicked out ?!

After giving it a lot of thought, I finally decided to open it.

'Congrats on passing the entrance exam, we have assigned your classes please go through the attachment below to know your agenda and class.'

I opened it to see they have assigned me to Class 1A. I instantly sent Uriel a message.

(Bold=Izumi normal=Uriel)

'Hey, which class did you get??'

'I did not check, let me see...'

'Class-1a, what about you? '

'Same, great!! now I have to listen to you nagging in class as well 😣😣😜'

'Ha-ha, hilarious and you realize that I am right down the hallway you could just ask it to my face, right??'

'Yep, fully aware and extremely lazy, Goodnight"

I take some time strolling through Instagram and listening to songs. God, I swear I hardly spent 10 mins how it is already 2:58. I should get to sleep if I ever wish to make it to the class tomorrow.

3rd person's pov:

"Wake up Izumi, wake up, you were awake all night, weren't you? Well, get up now if you have any intention of going to school today" Uriel said while shaking me up from the bed.

" 5 more minutes just leave me alone and off the lights" Izumi sheepishly replied and went back to snoring.

" You know it's the 10th time you are begging for 5 more minutes right, you better get your ass off the bed now," Uriel replied with his hands on his hips.

"I don't care, I'll go to school without having a shower that gives me extra time, now leave me alone."

" Ha-ha, silly. You planned to take a bath before going to school when you have 30 mins left? I thought you already got that off your to-do list." Uriel sarcastically replied.

"What, what's the time?" she said, getting up.

"It's 7:30 leaving you 30 mins to get ready and reach school. Oh, let me warn you school's a 20-minute walk from here, good luck reaching there on time, I am leaving sucker. " And he left the house.

" You betrayer" Izumi grumbled and jumped off the bed and got ready as quickly as possible, made sure her wig was on tight.

She clutched her yellow bag from the table and ran. She ran like her life was on the edge as much as she cared for slumber. She did not want to make a poor impression on the professor. Yeah, I Can be nerdy sometimes, so what?

The PretendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora