Chapter-7 Sigh!

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I stare at his deep cuts and wonder who did this to him. When I came running, hearing his shrieks, whoever did this to him had already taken off. And I couldn't honestly ask an unconscious person, could I?

I ponder on what to do. He might not make it to the hospital, with all the blood he's consistently losing. I really didn't want to use my healing quirk, it's dangerous. But I just couldn't leave the poor lad like this. I sigh and activate my quirk.

My quirk works differently from recovery girl. I heal using the energy I take in from the surroundings, both living and nonliving. The normal healing process takes place the same manner, only slower, and thus the side effect is insignificant.

What I do is... I'm like a beacon, I speed up the process. The only side effect here is the sudden absorption of all the energy, and that could wipe out many plant's, and if any individual is near me, that person would probably start feeling really exhausted and might even die if I continue for too long. And then there's also a chance of outing myself to him. I pray in my head that this goes unnoticed. I don't want to run again.

Noticing the grass turn brown around me. I think to myself, this is such an ironic quirk. To give one life, I must take another. I sigh again. I'm doing that a lot today, ain't I? He has third-degree burns on his face and hands. I wonder what he had to go through to get so many scars.

I feel him starting to wake up. His eyes flutter open and he looks at my hand on his cut. And that is the moment when I realize he's actually the CEO of a big shot company and will offer me a hundred dollars? Or maybe he's an awesome chef and wishes to reward my kindness with food. Maybe he's a fashion designer and is going to give me an entire load of clothes in return.

But to my dismay, when he sees my hand, he swats my hand away like it's a fly and glares hardly at me.

" you're doing?"

The guy can't even talk properly and he has the nerve to glare at me? He's really pissing me off. I chose to be a mature person and let it go.

"Look at this big red liquid oozing thing? It's called a wound. And what I'm doing is healing it. And what you should do is to be a good little boy and wait for me to finish, or you die. I'll even give you a lollipop in the end if you want," I say, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"You must be one of those, pesky little urchins at the school. Studying to be a big do-gooder, aren't you? And as for healing me, I doubt you would do it if you knew who I really am," He rolls his eyes.

"What you are is a boy. Oh, my god! Do you have cooties? Shit! I knew I should've carried my sanitiser with me," I gasp and pretend to be worried.

"Stop being cheeky. You really don't wanna heal me, especially if you're a hero under training. I am a villain. So just go do whatever you were going to do. What even are you doing in this forest in the first place?"

"Getting to know each other, are we? I'll tell you if you tell me what your next crime is. Also, my healing quirk didn't really come with a user manual that specified who I should be treating. So that's up to me"

He glared at me, again!

Ugh! Seriously, what in the world is wrong with all the boys here. I help them and they glare at me; they glare at me even if I don't. What in the world do they expect me to do? This is like your typical expectations VS reality situation. Forget Leaving money and food. A simple look of gratitude would have sufficed.

"Ha! You know what? You're correct. I wouldn't heal you if I knew you before. I mean seriously, I would not heal anyone with an attitude like yours be it God himself"

He looked smug for a second, but it didn't last long and for once shut his mouth.

"See, I get it, you're a villain. Yay Woo-hoo! Not my favourite profession, but whatever it's your life. And you being a villain means you clearly can't just walk into a hospital, and all that nonsensical bickering has caused your wound to start bleeding again. So, if you don't mind, kindly shut your mouth and co-operate," I added and once again started to heal his wound.

Surprisingly, the guy stays silent throughout the entire time, but he continues staring at me. Whatever. Let's just get it over with.

"There, finished", I say once it's done. He looks at his wound, or at least where it used to be.

"Why are you doing this?", He asks out of the blue, "Are you going to report me now? Or did you already do it when I was unconscious?"

I laugh. The situation's too ridiculous not too.

"Look, I understand you're not used to such treatment. But aren't you missing an essential the part where you say thank you? Even if I reported you, I still saved your life, dude. And for the record, I didn't report you. It's not cause I'm #villains or anything. If we had met in any other situation, I would've gladly kicked your ass, especially if you responded to everything with that sour attitude of yours. It doesn't matter if I heal you, okay? It's a no strings attached thing. I'll even close my eyes as you leave if you want," I say.

"Still doesn't explain why you did it," he says.

I sigh, "No one's born a villain. They go through something which makes them become one, psychos excluded. And you don't really seem like a psycho, at least not yet anyway. And why it doesn't matter because whether or not I heal you, the heroes are gonna win, anyway"

He shakes his head, "you're a weird human"

"I get that a lot", I say in response.

He squints at a distance, "Hey, what's that over there? Is it coming here?", He asks.

I glance towards where he's pointing. I see nothing.

"What do you mean?" I asked and looked back at him, but he was already gone. The classic look there trick, huh? I sigh and decide to visit my brother on my way back.


"Today, I revived a villain. Is that bad? But he was actually nice in his own peculiar way. I don't even know his name. Do you think it was a mistake? Should I have reported him?"

I glance at my brother's emotionless face. I merely receive silence.

"Why won't you answer, you jerk? We're supposed to be dealing with shit together. You can't just bail on me like that. Wake up already. I know it's nice and peaceful where you are but selfish as I may be, I want you to come back okay? Please... just wake up and talk to me," I say to receive silence once again.

I am so tired, I could feel my eyes close; I guess I'm crashing with bro tonight.

edited by- mystic_whisperer

edited by- mystic_whisperer

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