Part 2

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Kendall and Logan found out the mother was shot down twenty feet from where she left, and the baby was an orphan right now, so she doesn't have anyone else and that was scary enough

"So what do we do with the baby?" Logan asks Kendall as they were still walking and the baby slept on Logan's chest

"I guess we take her it's stupid to take her to an orphanage and leave her there when she is only a newborn" Kendall says as they were walking with her right now cause she fell asleep to Logan's heartbeat and was staying asleep as well which was a good thing

"I guess so," Logan says as he was still trying to calm her down right now cause she was really upset cause she was with new people and not her mom cause she kept waking up as they were walking, and that was not good  

Kendall and Logan looked at victims of the gunfire and some were dead and some were badly injured and some were not injured much at all just shaken up from the whole thing cause that was really scary and some were scared they were going to get shot down as well from the gunfire that was happening around them right that second, and they helped what they could right now

"I think we need to feed her and then go back and get her settled," Kendall says as he was looking at the baby girl that Logan had on his chest right now cause his heartbeat was calming her down right now a little bit and he protected her from the crowd since she was so little and was an easy target to get shot at  

"Shopping for her should be first," Logan says as they headed to the shops to go shopping for the little girl so they had a few items to tie them over for the time being until they could go back with her

"Yeah she needs clothes, car seat and more" Kendall says to him

"Of course and she needs a name too" Logan tells him

"Right now her nickname can be teeny cause she so teeny" Kendall says as he looks at her

Logan kept her close until they found a stroller

"We need to name her" Logan says as he pushed her in her little stroller so she was safe as they walked the streets of Las Vegas to get more items that she needs

"She looks like an Effie" Kendall says as he looks at her as she was looking up at her new parents cause her old mom was dead

"Yeah she does doesn't she" Logan says as he was looking at her right now cause she was looking up at him with her big baby blues that she has

"Well Effie is her name" Kendall says as he looks at her once again

"Yes it is Effie Henderson-Schmidt cause we will be raising her" Logan says as he was going to hold her for a little bit cause she started to fuss and she wanted to be held

"Oh sweetheart it's okay we are here for you" Kendall says as he looks at her cause she was a bit fussy right now cause she heard a lot of loud noise

"I think she is hungry so we need to finish up and then feed her" Logan says as he was trying to keep her calm right now until they could heat a bottle for her

Kendall paid for everything before leaving to go back to the hotel with little Effie

"Effie I know your tired and hungry" Logan says to her as he was holding her as he rocked her gently to calm her cries


Kendall started to make a bottle as Logan tried to calm her cries cause she was very fussy right now

"I know baby I know" Logan says as he comforts her as her bottle was being made so she could eat and have her belly full once more

Logan fed her once the bottle was cool enough cause she needed to eat

"Here we go sweetie daddy Logan is going to feed you" Logan says as he was feeding her formula for the time being cause she was very hungry and she needed food in her tiny system

Logan walked with her as he was feeding her formula

"Eat up pretty girl" he says as he was still feeding her

Logan burped her after he fed her formula and she gave out good gas as well so he was going to change her and see if he needed to change her outfit as well

"You are staying clean so far sweetheart" he says as he was changing her cause she was a little stinky

"I am going to swaddle you so you are warm" he says as he was going to swaddle her in a blanket so the cold air from the room didn't chill her

Effie looked warm as she was swaddled by her papa

"There you go little one papa is going to keep you warm as the cold air circulates the room" he says as Kendall came over with a bed for Effie

"It looks like you are quite happy in papa's arms little girl" Kendall says as he looked at her

"Yes she is and she is looking up at us right now" Logan says as he looked down at Effie who looked up at her parents

"After tonight I think we are moving in together for her" Kendall says as he thought ahead to the future

"I'm okay with that I hate to have her go from house to house" Logan says as he was feeding her a little bit since she was very hungry once again so Logan gave her a bottle

"Me too look at her little hands" Kendall says as he admires Effie's tiny hands

"Yeah and look at her fingers they are darling" Logan says as she still ate for them

Once she was finished he burped her and he changed her

"Oh sleepy" Kendall says as he was going to hold her while Logan cleaned up

Logan was going to walk with her to get her settled down for the night and hopefully she would go to sleep for her new parents that night

"Night sweetheart" Logan says as he sees her eyes drop after a while

Kendall was in bed ready to co sleep with her that night

Wishing everyone a very merry Christmas

Happy New Year

We will continue in time for sure next week maybe we shall see with views and my schedule and where I end up as well, and how busy the week is as well and the help as well

Part 3 is up

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