Vegas retreat and gunfire/the baby

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Kendall and Logan are dating in this story and will be staying together as well so they ain't going anywhere anytime soon either, and they will be my power couple for all my stories

Kendall Schmidt and Logan Henderson decided to go to Vegas for a little getaway to escape Hollywood and the paps as well cause the paps were out pretty much every day and they barely had privacy which they liked a lot right now cause they wanted to be out of the public eye, and if they were going to go in disguise so no one would see it was them under those costumes or masks as they wanted to call them cause they were hiding their faces from the fans just in case the crazy fans noticed them right away and they did not want that to happen to them at all while they were on this trip cause there might be crazy fans out and about on the trip as well

"Do you think we will get married someday, Kenny?" Logan asks him as they were walking cause they were loving the moment right now just being together was enough for them right now so it was peaceful as could be right now in Vegas cause everyone was either asleep or working right now so it was quite quiet right now which they liked

"Maybe if the time is right I will pop the question and we will get married, and who knows we might get married here" Kendall says as they were still walking the streets of Vegas right now and they were going to enjoy the nightlife that night if they were lucky enough to see it and be apart of it as well

Logan was on cloud nine as they walked still cause it was a great night all around

"Maybe we can come back here and we can elope and no one will know the difference as well cause that will be perfect, cause we won't be judged on who we are," Logan says as they were looking at the chapels as well as they were walking still cause it was quite beautiful outside right now

"Maybe," Kendall says as they were going to go to one of the bakery's to get a little wedding cake for later on that night cause they were going to celebrate the love that they had going on and they were going to keep it going no matter what was going on with them right now cause that love they had will overcome everything else

Logan was loving the sights he was seeing right now and he was capturing it as much as possible

"Logan wanna go on the eye?" Kendall asks him as they approached the eye after a while of walking the strip just the two of them

"Sure I don't mind," Logan says as they were going to get on the eyes and see all of Las Vegas

It was them and a young mother that was in a capsule together as they were going above the city skyline

"How old is your little one?" Kendall asks as he saw the baby that was sleeping in its mother's arms right now

"She was just born two days ago," the mother says as she was holding the baby cause she was homeless right now

"Does she have a name?"Logan asks as he was looking at the baby that was still sleeping peacefully right now

"No, she doesn't have a name at all," the mother says as she was keeping hidden from Kendall and Logan

"She adorable" Kendall says as he was admiring the baby that was still asleep in her mother's arms

"Thanks," the mother says as they were still riding the eye above the city right now

Kendall and Logan stayed close to each other until it was time to get off and explore some more or maybe ride the eye again if they wanted and they were going to walk and ride the eye that night

"That was a great view," Kendall says as they got off and they were going to walk some more

"Yeah it was and I got to be with you," Logan says as they got off so they could explore some more

The young mother was right behind them as she was getting off as well once they were off gunfire started to go off

"Logan we got to take cover right now," Kendall says to him as he was looking at where they could go to escape the gunfire right now cause it was getting louder and scarier and the gunman kept firing at anyone he could right now and Kendall and Logan were his targets somewhat

"Okay," he says as he was going to follow Kendall to the hideout

"Here take my baby," the young mother says as she was giving Kendall and Logan the baby that woke up from her slumber when she heard the gunfire going off and that scared her, and that she may not make it through this ordeal, and she needed someone to raise her daughter for her and give her a life

Kendall and Logan accept the baby as the mother left cause she was in the line of fire as the guns were going off

"Here we can hide here Logan," Kendall says as he guides Logan and the baby to a spot where they will be safe as they were going to wait it out as well until the police caught the gunmen

Logan goes to where Kendall was and he was protecting the baby's ears from the gunfire

"It's okay you are safe sweetie" Logans ays as he was keeping her calm as the guns were still going off around them, and she still cried and cried out for her mommy

"We got to cover her ears better so she isn't deaf from all of this gunshots," Kendall says as he was helping Logan

"Yeah and just hold her as much as we can right now," Logan says as he was rocking the baby gently a little bit to calm her down since she was really scared right now, so he was going to do skin to skin with her as well to see if that helps any


Kendall and Logan found out the mother was shot down twenty feet from where she left, and the baby was an orphan right now, so she doesn't have anyone else and that was scary enough

"So what do we do with the baby?" Logan asks Kendall as they were still walking and the baby slept on Logan's chest

"I guess we take her it's stupid to take her to an orphanage and leave her there when she is only a newborn" Kendall says as they were walking with her right now cause she fell asleep to Logan's heartbeat and was staying asleep as well which was a good thing

"I guess so," Logan says as he was still trying to calm her down right now cause she was really upset cause she was with new people and not her mom cause she kept waking up as they were walking, and that was not good

Kendall and Logan looked at victims of the gunfire and some were dead and some were badly injured and some were not injured much at all just shaken up from the whole thing cause that was really scary and some were scared they were going to get shot down as well from the gunfire that was happening around them right that second, and they helped what they could right now

"I think we need to feed her and then go back and get her settled," Kendall says as he was looking at the baby girl that Logan had on his chest right now cause his heartbeat was calming her down right now a little bit and he protected her from the crowd since she was so little and was an easy target to get shot at

"Shopping for her should be first," Logan says as they headed to the shops to go shopping for the little girl so they had a few items to tie them over for the time being until they could go back with her

"Yeah she needs clothes, car seat and more" Kendall says to him

"Of course and she needs a name too" Logan tells him

"Right now her nickname can be teeny cause she so teeny" Kendall says as he looks at her

Logan kept her close until they found a stroller 

Name is coming 

Friday's line-up for sure

First night and name is coming I hope in time probably next week cause I go to the other store sadly

Name is up 

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