Part 2

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"Papa is going to be careful so the bright light doesn't shine down on you too much" he says as he was walking with her and she was quite content on him as well cause she was liking being on papa as well and she was going to go to sleep with the sounds of his footsteps as well and his heartbeat was helping her go to sleep as well cause it was gentle like her mommy heartbeat but this was different and this was papa's heartbeat as well and not her mommy's heartbeat as well cause she knew his heart was beating just for her and she was loving it and she got really comfortable on him as she was trying to sleep cause she loved hearing his heartbeat it was calming and soothing for her cause it reminded her of her mom even though her mom loved her and hearing her heartbeat put her to sleep a lot of the time it was reassuring for her right now cause it kind of reminded her of her mother cause she loved hearing her mother's heartbeat for her and now her new papa heartbeat will help her go back to sleep and help her get settled back in once again cause she was going to be raised by two new people and not her mom ever

Kendall helps Logan into the car cause his legs have to be getting tired by now and they need a major rest, and he was going to be careful going home with the baby in the backseat of the car cause she was totally asleep by now and they wanted her to stay asleep as much as possible as well and hopefully the bumps don't wake her up either cause that was not going to be fun putting her back to sleep after they hit that horrible bump that was going to wake her up for sure and Logan was going have to put her back to sleep once again and that was going be horrible cause she was asleep and she was comfortable on her papa as well

"Don't hit every bump in town Kenny" Logan tells him as he was looking down at her as she was readjusting once again on him cause he felt papa move so she had to readjust to his new position that he was in and that was not easy on her at all since she was comfy

"I won't I promise" Kendall says as he quietly shuts the door to drive to her new home with her in the backseat of the car in Logan's strong arms right now cause that was her safe haven right now and they were not going to disturb her until they got home that night and they were going to get her ready for her first night in her new home with her new parents as well and hopefully the transition goes smoothly and there is not no bumps at all either as they were going home cause that was not going to be good at all either if they hit bumps in the road going home cause she will wake right up once again and Logan was going to have the task of calming her back down once again and that was not going to be good at all

"Take the back roads if you have to" Logan says as he was looking down at her as she was sleeping like a little lamb that she was right now all cuddled up in a little ball on Logan sleeping

Kendall was going to take the back roads back home cause he could go really slow and not worry about the traffic that was going to be behind him all the way home as well and if he gets home when it was dark outside that was just fine with him cause he made sure her ride home was a smooth one and not a bumpy one at all maybe

(Much later)

"Here we are little one home sweet home" Kendall says as he pulls into the driveway of their home cause they had to get settled in with her too and that might be fun as well cause it will be like bringing a new baby home from the hospital and getting them settled in but this was going to be different cause she is not a newborn anymore she is almost a month old and she was going to get used to these two people taking care of her now cause her mom was completely and totally out of the picture thanks to that shooter in Vegas that took her mommy away from her and now she is stuck with two daddies for the time being right now

Logan gets out of the car with her and he was careful as he was walking with her cause he hated to wake her up again and having her to go back to sleep was going to be a nightmare in itself cause they had to get everything that they needed for her and Kendall was going to go shopping for her while Logan was going to stay home with her and hopefully she was going to be okay with him and he can get some things done like laundry and unpacking the suitcases that had the clothes in it and Kendall had to get a car seat for her so she was age and secured in the car when they went away and that was not going to be pretty getting her into a car seat after what she has been through as well cause she might not like the car seat at first so Logan will need to hold her for sometime until she felt comfortable in the seat as well she won't be comfortable in anything for a few weeks she will need to be held quite a bit longer then normal babies which he was okay with and he was going to be doing skin to skin with her as well in the coming days which he was totally okay with cause he was willing not to wear a shirt for that long for her to help her get settled in too which was going to be fun in itself as well cause she was not going to sleep good that night she was going to be up through the night for her first night at least cause she was going to be in a new place with new people taking care of her too which was going to be really scary for her as well

"It's okay sweetheart I'm taking you in the house is all" he tells her as he looks down at her and she settles down and goes back to sleep slowly but she wakes up when he put her down on the couch to sleep while he helps Kendall with the bags from the car cause there were a lot of bags that needed to be brought in the house from the trip and shopping in general as well cause she needed some necessities

More next day off I get maybe

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