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Me and Tara were the first ones to wake in our little sleepover. I unfortunately woke up to many missed calls from my dad. Which was expected from my dad. I just shut my phone off and sat at the dinning room table with Tara.

We sat their talking for a bit, drinking coffee and having some cereal the boys had at the house. "You know Chandler likes you. He has for a while." I choked on my cereal. I guess he did like me. All this time and i never realized. I hope i didn't ruin what friendship we had.

"I sorta figured when he started to act weird after he found out about me and Luke." I felt bad. I used to like him. But I have Luke now, and I really like him. 

"He's just jealous." Tara laughed. For awhile we sat there saying nothing to each other. That was until no show Bobby walked in the house as loud as he can, waking up the boys.

"What the hell man. I was dreaming about pizza that looked so dang good." Reggie said, whining then sitting down at the dining room table. We all gave him a weird look before addressing Bobby. 

"Why did you burst in here being as loud as could be?" Alex asked, annoyed he was waken from his slumber. He was probably dreaming about hot guys. Luke came over to me and gave me a hug. 

"I just got done talking to the owner of Whiskey-A-Go-Go. He said you rocked the place last night with your killer performance and wanted you guys to play every Saturday." The guys all cheered. This is what the band needed. Somewhere they can regularly play and get famous. 

"Thats awesome man! We get to rock that place every week!" Luke was pumped. He hugged me tight and gave me a huge kiss. All the guys were jumping and cheering along with Tara. After awhile we settled down comfortably and the boys got talking about new music. They think that pretty soon they will make it big. I just sat back next to Tara, saying nothing. Sure me and Tara are really good friends with the boys and hang out with them a lot but when it came to them talking about music, its like we were ghosts. Makes me think about when the band gets popular. Will Luke forget about me? Will the whole band forget about the two girls that helped get their band popular? 

Tara leaned into my ear and whispered, "Lets get out of here." I nodded. I didnt want to think about what may happen between me and Luke anymore. We snuck out of the house and drove off in the van. We decided to head to the coffee shop since my dad will yell at me as soon as i walk in the door and Tara didnt want to go to her house just yet. 


I went home later that night, and surprise, surprise, my dad starts going off that I shouldnt be hanging around rockers. That they are bad influences or im a bad influence on my sister. He said that I should have a sturdy career choice and focus on my school work more than boys and the band. I was so fed up with him that I ran up to my room and didnt come out the rest of the weekend. Not even for food or water. 

The boys didnt try and contact me or Tara all weekend which concerned me. Will Luke be mad at me for leaving? I guess I'll find out on Monday. 


After Bobby told us the good new the boys and I started talking about music. We wanted to make new music and playing some of our old stuff. In no time we are going to be famous and playing at the Orpheum. Thats been a big dream of our since we started the band. After awhile of talking we started a jamming session to get the flow of new music through our veins. Once we were exhausted we went back into the main house and sat around doing whatever we wanted. 

"Hey wait a second." Reggie said out of no where looking around. "When did the girls leave?" Thats when i realized Aurora and Tara were no where to be found. Aurora left without saying goodbye to me. I felt kind of hurt but better yet that was our faults. We do sort of get caught up with our work. I dont know if i should talk to her or just leave her be. 

"They mustve slipped out when we started talking." Bobby said, not giving a care about them. Typical Bobby. Alex, Reggie and I care more about them, more than Bobby. They care about us and helped us out in so many ways. Man they are going to mad at us Monday. 


The boys went back to their houses the rest of the weekend and caught up with their school work. I wrote songs trying to make me feel better about myself. I feel bad for my parents, for Aurora. I feel like Ive been a bad boyfriend for the week that we've been together. Ive focused more on music then ive been with Aurora. Starting Monday things are going to change. 

A/N: Sorry its been awhile. I dont know what i want to do with this story or where to go before the end. I have some ideas but if you guys have any, put them in the comments. Please and thank you.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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