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It's been about a week since the posters were made and put up all around town and all around our school. It wasn't long before we got word from Luke that we had a new show this Friday at the whisky-a-go-go. We were pretty excited since  that place was a big shot for a lot of upcoming bands. Unfortunately it was an open mic night so Luke booked it themselves. 

Our demo was made and so were copies of it. We handed out as many as we can to people at school or to people walking along Hollywood Boulevard. Sure some people threw them in the trash but it didn't hurt us one bit. We just picked them out and sanitized them to give them back out.  

It was now Thursday. The day before we had a gig at the Whiskey-A-Go-Go. So the boys decided to stay home from school to practice as much as they can, and Tara had a doctors appointment, which left me all alone today. Even my own boyfriend didn't want to come see me at school today. Sheesh.

"Pssst." The boy behind he kept trying to get my attention all class. I finally had enough and turned around to see one of my old friends, Chandler. I had no clue he had this class so the pure shock caught me off guard. "Where are your friends today?" It took me awhile to collect myself before answering him. 

"Um. Well Tara is at the doctors and the boys are practicing for a show tomorrow." He smiled that big smile I used to always loved the way he smiled. Back before I met Luke, Reggie and Alex, Chandler was my crush for the longest time. Like ever since I met hm. But once I met the guys, I started to hang out less and less with him and more with the guys. Looking back now, I feel bad. 

"That sucks." For awhile none of said a word and we went back to our work. I couldn't stop thinking about how I Left him after so many years of friendship. We were best friends. I turned back to Chandler.

"Do you want to, like....." I couldn't think of the words to say. I was fumbling. "Want to hang out today? You know to....." I had to think, but then it hit me. "To make up for all the years. You know catch up and act like best friends again." I smiled, confident in my choice in words. 

"Sure. It has been awhile." My smiled slipped slowly. He looked at me wondering what was wrong.

"Chandler?" He looked at me, waiting for me to continue. "I'm sorry for what I did. I'm sorry I left you. We were best of friends and I left you for better ones." I almost wanted to cry but he smiled. 

"It's fine. It happens to everyone when they get to high school. They find people to fit in with." That cheered me up a bit. The bell rang and we got up to gather our stuff. Surprisingly he had almost all the same classes as me. I never knew since I was mainly around the guys. 

"Now class, remember to study for exams next week." The teacher said, reminding us that winter break was coming up. I just walked out the classroom with Chandler.

Most of the day we talked, not even paying attention to class. It felt like the old days of when we were friends. We talked about everything and anything, catching up on all these years even though he knew most of mine. Turns out he sat near me in most of my classes these past 4 years and listened in, tried to get my attention and I wouldn't notice. I felt bad.

For the past years his life hasn't really changed much. He's on the football team and he goes to most of the shows the guys play. I was impressed. 

After school he came over to my house, talking more and watching movies. It felt nice to be connected with him again. It's like we were friends all along. We were so engulfed in talking and watching TV that we didn't notice the time, nor the hear the door bell go off. Someone walked upstairs to my room, I assumed it was my dad and went back to talk to Chandler. But someone came storming in, crying their eyes out. 

Chandler stopped talking and looked up at the door, getting me to look up. There stood Luke, crying and just staring at Chandler sitting on the bed. 

"Luke? What happened? What's wrong?" I shot up and ran to him, giving him a tight hug. 

"Who's this?" He whimpered out in a broken voice. I looked at him, looking heart broken.

"He's an old friend of mine. Now Luke, tell me why your crying." I lead him to the bed to sit down, Chandler scooted over looking confused and not knowing what he should do.

"I went home and...." He stopped and sniffled before wiping his nose on his long sleeves. He took off his orange beanie before continuing. "I told my mom about our big gig tomorrow and we ended up fighting and I ran out." I rubbed Luke's back. His mom hated him being in a band at only 17 years old. But it wasn't just Luke's parents. Alex's parents have never been ok since he told them he was gay. Reggie's parents fight all the time and hated him being in a band. They  wanted him to have a more stable future. My dad hated me going out late with the boys and wanted me to finish school to go to college. I never want to go to college. We all have messed up families and share the same pain. 

"Hey. Its going to be ok. Stay here tonight, write some lyrics, watch TV. Just get your mind off things." He hugged me back then looked at Chandler who was sitting there wide eyed, not knowing what to do. Luke tried to straighten up. He wiped his eyes and nose on his sleeves and held out his hand to Chandler. 

"Hey. Nice to meet you. I'm Luke." He slightly smiled, trying to lighten up the mood. 

"I'm Chandler. I used to be friends with Aurora." They seemed to hit it off, considering what just happened. 

"So you knew her before I met her?" Luke asked, trying to fit all the pieces together when Chandler nodded. "So this is where you been all day?" Luke turns to me. It felt like a train just hit me. I was supposed to go to the band house after school and discuss tomorrow. I was too distracted. 

"Im so sorry Luke. I lost track of time an...." He cut me off before I can finish.

"Don't worry about it babe." He smiled as I madly blushed. He hasn't called me any pet names since we started dating. We haven't even kissed since that time we made out in the van nor have we said the words. I looked to Chandler who seemed very confused and awkward.

"You two are.... dating?" He squeaked out the last word, kind of sad. Did he like me?

"Yeah. I thought everyone in school knew?" Luke said in a question. Chandler just shook his head looking down. Did all these years he liked me too? I felt bad. First I abandoned him, then I rejected his love after years of liking him. 

"I better get going. It was nice catching up you." Chandler got up rather fast and dashed out the door. I wanted to stop him but I let him go. I'll talk to him at school tomorrow.

Luke laid on the bed and curled into a ball. I just laid next to him, making sure he was ok. We eventually ended up cuddling and falling asleep.   

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