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At home, I laid in bed in hopes my hip would get better. Luke came over and helped with as much as he can since Tara said she had family issues to take care of. We just did our homework and watched what was on tv at the time. By 7 o clock my hip felt a little better so me and Luke went downstairs to get some ice cream. My dad was out the house with Katie, having a little daughter, dad time. 

By 8 o clock, I was so tired that I fell asleep leaning on Luke watching tv.


The next day was a chill day. My hip hurt a lot less which meant it really was just a pulled muscle. The only weird thing was when we all entered the school together. Me and Luke held hands, which was a first and Tara walked in between Alex and Reggie. Everyone in the hall around us would stare and whisper to their friends right next to them as we passed them in the hall. It was weird but we shrugged it off thinking that everyone knew the band already.

By the time lunched rolled around things got crazier. As soon as we sat down at our table in the middle of the cafeteria, everyone started clapping and cheering, yelling Sunset Curve. They were all saying good job or you guys are good. I guess the track coach really did tell all his friends. As soon as everyone quieted down and went back to their own business we stated talking amongst each other. 

"So I guess we are famous now?" Alex asks in an almost question, looking at this cute jock boy. 

"I guess now we need to start making t-shirts and our demo." Reggie suggested. All the guys agree. 

"OOO I call making the t-shirts!" Tara exclaimed, very excited to do something for the band for once. We all chuckled a little. 

"After school we should go over the songs we want on the demo and record some of them." All the guys agreed with Luke, even me who was actually willing to go over and see Bobby and see all the songs they plan on putting on the demo. 

"Oh I cant. I have... uh.... lady things to attend to after school." Tara seemed unsure what to say to get out of coming to see Bobby but nonetheless the guys didn't seem to care if she missed practice or not. 

Hence after school, we all headed to the practice house while Tara hitched a ride with her other friends home. We filled Bobby in on all the juicy details before we got to work.

"No I say Crooked Teeth should go on the demo." Reggie argued with Luke about which song to put on the demo. Luke wanted to put My Name is Luke. 

"Why don't you guys make a new song to go on the demo. Here I started something but didn't have motivation to finish it." I handed my notebook to the guys after finally stepping in on the arguing. They read through the lyrics of what I had and just went to town on the rest. Since the boys were busy, I got to work on their posters. 

"Alright so tomorrow after we take our pictures and get them printed out, we will go over the song with instruments and it should be good to put on the demo." Luke said after finally getting done writing the song. It was about 6pm and I had to be home in time for dinner. 

"Well I have to get home. I promised dad i'd be home for dinner." I gathered my things in my bag.

"Mind if we come with you?" Luke said, vouching for the guys who were shaking their heads franticly. I laughed, causing Luke to look behind him.

"No. Im sure my dad just wants some daughter time since we all been a little busy lately." Luke looked a little down that he couldn't come along. "I'll see you guys tomorrow at the picture place. Make sure you send me the address Bobby and don't forget your sticks Alex. Look your best please." I said, grabbing Luke's guitar and Reggie's bass.

"Bye Aurora!" Alex, Reggie and Bobby said in unison, going back to their work.

"Here, let me help you with those." Luke came over and took Reggie's bass and Bobby's guitar from me to carry. They were gonna use the instruments in their photos. Once we got to the van Luke carefully put them in the back before turning to me.

"Your amazing. You know that right?" I smiled. Haring those words from Luke makes me feel all giddy.

"Stop." I jokingly punch his shoulders and he gives me one of those cute smiles. 

"You really are. Most girls would never help us out like you do. You truly are amazing." He hugged me and I wrapped my arms around his torso. 

"I'm only doing the best for the best guy in the world." I smiled, immediately feeling butterflies in my stomach. I never thought words like that would escape from my mind let alone my mouth. Luke just smiled, him to being giddy and nervous.

"I meant to ask, did you want to go to the school dance with me next week?" He seemed really nervous to ask. I nodded my head like crazy, to excited to say anything. Without a word he went in and placed a kiss on my lips. I kissed him back and went sorta made out.

"Whoa. Did not want to see that." Reggie said, blocking his eyes and backing away. Me and Luke pulled apart both of us embarrassed and happy that we made out for the first time.

"Sorry Reggie." Luke stuttered and Reggie uncovered his eyes. He took one look at us and laughed.

"No need to be embarrassed guys. You look like a bunch of tomatoes." He laughed and me and Luke go redder.

"Im gonna go now. Bye Luke!" I rushed into the car and drove off really fast, letting Luke handle that one. 

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