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"Come on! This will be the greatest time of our lives!" Luke said to the guys, full excitement in his voice. They've been talking about their band blowing up for awhile. They've been playing little shows in hopes to get their name out there. Tonight they play at a bar. A major step up from dances and street corners.

"But we do have school first with all the hot babes." Reggie said as some of the cheerleaders walked by, giving them a wink and a cheesy smile. Alex just shook his head and walked off to his locker to grab some stuff for class.

"I'll see you guys at lunch!" Alex called, walking to 1st period. As soon as we entered school today, Luke had to go and tell the guys about their new gig tonight. Which i'm fine with, but we have to get to class.

"Yeah. Come on Luke we better get going. Say your goodbyes to your girlfriend." He said as he started to walk away.

"She's not my girlfriend dude." He called out to Reggie, which hit my heart like a bus. I've had the hugest crush on Luke since the 9th grade. Ive always hid it very well but ever since we've been good friends and I've been sorta their manager at shows.

"I'll see you later, Aurora." He gave me a hug and we did our secret handshake before he followed Reggie to class. I don't have class with any of them in my class till after lunch. So i went to my AP english class all by myself.


At lunch, we all sat down at our table we sat at for the last 3 years. Right in the middle of the cafeteria where everyone can see us. It was Luke's idea. He wanted the whole school to know who they are and what they look like. They were really set out on the whole band thing.

"So, What time are we all going to be there?" I said, looking into Luke's blue eyes. They all swallowed what they were chewing and talked at the same time. It just came out a jumbled mess, resulting in us laughing our asses off. After we were all settled down Alex took charge.

"Well Luke said we were on at 7 so we are gonna show up at 6." He looked at the other two for
reinsurance. I nodded.

"Ok so i'll be there at 5:30 then with the van and all the equipment." I always showed up early and got their stuff set up so that the guys can relax, prepare and enjoy the show.

"Thanks Aurora." Luke said, giving me a smile and looking straight into my eyes. I was memorized, It was like I was falling in love for the first time again.

"Dude just ask her out already!" Reggie said pointing to me. I turned a bright red, looking down at my food tray. Luke stuttered. He was flustered and didn't say a word as he looked away.

"Ha we got em." ALex laughed, high fiving Reggie. For the rest of lunch they go over what songs they will be playing and where they would play next. Every once in a while I would chime in on the conversation making comments about songs. Once or twice I would look at Luke, only to find he was looking at me already. I didn't look away until the guys would notice. I felt embarrassed.

The bell rang and we gathered up our stuff to head to class. After throwing away my food and
putting the tray away I wait for Alex and Reggie to head to algebra together.

"See you later Luke!" I called out to him as he walked away. He just gave me a smile and a wave before heading to english.

"Seriously though. When are you two going to start dating?" Alex said. I just smacked his shoulder while he threw his hands up in defense.

"Yeah Aurora. We can tell you really like him. And he really likes you. Even if he doesn't say it we can definitely see it." I look at Reggie confused. Did they see us making eye contact at lunch.

"What do you mean?" We walked into math class and took our seats in the back. The seats in this class are set up in pods of 4. Of course at our table there were only three of us. Me in the right corner, Reggie right in front of me and Alex right next to me, leaving the seat in front of Alex empty.

"We saw how you two were looking at each other at lunch. Don't hide it." Alex commented,
pulling out his notebook. I followed in pursuit, giving a sigh.

"As much as I like Luke, I don't know if I'll ever date him. I mean look at him. Tons of girls like
him and he wants the band to blow up more than he wants a girlfriend." The guys agreed with
me and with that class started.


After math class I say goodbye to Alex and Reggie and head to Government. I was nervous.
This class I have with Luke. Then afterwards, our last class of the day with Alex and Reggie. God, I hope it's not like at lunch. I walk in and see Luke in our little spot in the corner. I swallow hard and head over there. Ok Aurora, calm down. It's just Luke. Just pay attention to class.

"Hey Aurora." I wave at Luke and sit down next to him. Shortly after the class started and thankfully we talked about government all class. I would occasionally get the awkward Luke glances but nothing new.

Soon we were headed off to our last class, study hall. As soon as we enter Luke runs up to the
guys and they do their usual handshake that they say "I'm forbidden to know, " or something. Luke whispers something to them before I walk over to them.

"So, do yall just wanna leave and go eat. I'm starving." Reggie stated, rubbing his stomach. Usually we leave this class because we just simply don't want to do our homework. Also we can
leave anytime we want to leave.

"Sure. I'm down for some burgers." Alex said, grabbing his bag off the floor where he threw it. We all gathered our things and happily walked our asses out the school.

"Last one to the van has to buy lunch!" Luke yells, making a mad dash towards the van. I followed quickly in suit, after all I am on the track team at our school.

"Oh hell no. I'm not buying lunch!" Reggie yells, running faster than i've ever seen him run before. We all raced to the very back of the parking lot, the only spot I could park this morning,
for I was running late. Alex came in speed and took the lead for a good 2 seconds before Luke
came, running like a cheetah. Of course, I picked up the pace and pushed myself to the fullest. At last, I came in first, Luke came in second, then came Reggie who somehow beat Alex.

"Ha. Looks like you're buying us lunch Alex." Reggie punched his shoulder and we all laughed, catching our breaths.

"Fine. Shotgun!" Alex screams and sits on the passenger side. Luke groans and so does Reggie cause that means they have to ride in the back with no seats. The instruments were not in the
back yet, I had to go pick them up later from Lukes garage.

"But I wanted to sit shotgun." Luke pouted as he hopped in. I just laughed. I find it cute how he
whines. We ride off to burger king, one of our favorite spots to eat after long days of practice. I
park the van in our spot under the tree and we all go inside to order our food.

"So. When's your next track meet Aurora?" Luke asks as we sit down with our food. The guys
always go to all my track meets just like I go to everyone's shows and sometimes practices. Luke seemed more interested in my thing then the rest.

"Oh um. I think it's this saturday." I took a bite of my burger, instantly moaning from how good it tastes. I realize the guys are watching and I instantly blush. I feel so embarrassed but they just

"It's alright Aurora. We all get a little turned on from good burgers." Reggie said, chuckling and giving a smirk. Luke just smacked his shoulder.

"Eat up boys. Cause tonight, we are gonna rock that bar." We all cheered and hollered and ate
our food.

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