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"Aye! Good luck today!" Jack, the quarterback for our schools football team yelled at us in the halls as he passed us. Since today was the day the band was playing at the Whiskey-A-Go-Go, we have been getting nothing but good remarks from everyone at school wishing us luck or great job. Of course Luke wasn't in the greatest of moods considering what he went through last night. He's been trying to write down his feelings in song lyrics, but writing a song isn't that easy.

"Im fine guys. Bobby said I can stay at the practice house." The guys were trying to make sure Luke was ok and if he needed a place to stay. Luckily I sorted it all out with him this morning before we came to school. The bell rang, signaling us to move our butts to 1st period. I said bye to Reggie and Alex and turned to Luke.

"Are you going to be ok today?" I rubbed his arm as he looked down then back up kind of sad looking.

"I'll be fine. Just have to get through today then the show." I gave him a hug and we went our separate ways. Luke with Alex and Reggie and I go with Tara.

"So. Are you coming after school or avoiding Bobby again?" I asked Tara as we sat in our normal seats. She looked at me thinking about it.

"I mean, I guess I'll with you guys." We both giggled. I felt a tap on my shoulder and naturally I turned around to look. It was Chandler, looking really nervous. "Oh hey...." I didn't know what to say. We left off on a bad state yesterday. 

"Who are yo.... Chandler?" Tara asked, finally looking behind her. I'm surprised she remembered him as well, considering she never really hung around him that much in middle school. "I didn't know you had this class."

"Yeah apparently we never payed attention the last four years." I whispered to Tara and then smiled at Chandler.

"Im sorry for running out last night. I didn't want to be there when he clearly needed you." I still feel bad for last night. Did he really like me and not know about me and Luke?

"It's ok." I turned back around in my seat as the teacher walked in and began his lesson. Once he stopped talking and let us do our work I turned back around to Chandler, Tara following. "You going to the show tonight?" He looked around before answering me almost like he was making sure no one was listening, but I brushed it off. 

"Yes. Of course I am." I smiled. At least he doesn't completely hate me. 


"What do you mean he's not coming?!?" After we sat down at the lunch table, the guys had informed me that Bobby wasn't going to show up at the show.

"He said he has important things to do." Alex said with air quotes, rolling his eyes. Typical bobby if you ask me. I didn't say another word and ate my food. 

"Come on babe. It's not that bad. Look how long we've performed without him." Luke hugged me from the side and layed his head on my shoulder. I blushed, still not used to being in a relationship with Luke, nonetheless in front of the guys.

"Awwwww." Alex, Reggie, and Tara all said in unison, making me blush harder.

"So. The show." Luke broke the silence and the awkwardness I was feeling. "We have the set list down?" The boys nodded not saying a word on what songs they will be playing. Reggie said that they wanted it a secret from me and Tara, mainly because I haven't heard any of their new songs. 

The bell rang so we quickly got up and went to class.


During study hall, we all left the school to go get ready for the show tonight. Even Tara came. While the boys were getting dressed and practicing a little more, Tara  and I made sure we had enough demos and posters to hand out.

"Ok. You guys ready to head out?" The guys all nodded and we all piled in the van and drove off to the Whiskey-A-Go-Go. 


There were already tons of people. It was an open mic night so it was normal to see this many people come and see new music. We were one of the last people to perform so of course we walked around and talked to a lot of people, handed out our demo and just had the time of our lives. Luke stayed near me most of the time due to some weird people that may be here. 

As we were walking around, listing to all the performers and talking to random guys we came across Chandler. No surprise there.

"You nervous Luke?" Chandler asked Luke, eyeing him up and down, seeing the jitters. Luke chuckled nervously and put his guitar pick in his mouth. That's always been a nervous habit of his. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders to calm him down.

"Look at all these people man. There has never been this many people before." I rubbed Luke's shoulders and looked at Chandler who seemed kind of awkward and not wanted to see me comforting Luke. 

"Our last performers of the night are a local band who make awesome music, give it up for Sunset Curve!!" The guy on the microphone announced. I rushed Luke to the stage where Alex's drums were already set up and they started to play one of their new songs, Sunset Curve. 

The boys rocked out and played the best I heard them play ever. Luke kept eyeing me and smiling while singing and playing. 

"Thank you. We're Sunset Curve!" Alex calls out in the microphone standing up.

"Tell your friends!" Reggie says once again. I don't know why he says that every time someone says sunset curve. The crowd cheered and clapped as the bois joined hands and bowed down before jumping off the stage. Luke ran to me smiling and immediately pulled me into a sweaty hug. I just laughed and try to pull away.

"You did amazing out there!" I said, looking at the boys after Luke pulled away. Soon people from around the bar came up, wanting them to sign their demos or posters.

While the boys did that, I walked over to Tara who was chatting up a storm with Chandler. As soon as he laid eyes on me, he stopped talking and looked away. That caused Tara to look up and smile.

"The boys did great out there. And Luke was totally eye fucking you." She giggled and Chandler uncomfortably sifted. I chuckled lightly and looked down.

"What did you think Chandler?" Tara asked. I looked up at him but he just stayed quiet. It took him a couple seconds of avoiding looking at me to answer.

"I got to get going. I have a curfew." He said quickly before walking away. Well that was awkward. I looked to Tara and she just gave me that look saying she'll explain later.

Soon the crowd starts to lessen and we all get ready to head home. We all decide to head to the band house and just crash there, giving Luke a little bit of company.

I cuddled with Luke, being really warm, i eventually fell asleep.

A/n: sorry it tool my long to upload this. I went to my dads house for december and ive been busy with school and spending time with family and friends. I dont know where next chapter will take me, i dont know what I'll do but we'll see.

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