She nodded. 'Yes, but we can't get into my house that way. We have it blocked off, most of the time, because well, we never got much visitors or...any really.' Ophelia said, scratching the back of her neck.

Professor McGonagall nodded. 'I see. Apparation it is, then.' She nodded.

'Erm, I've never actually done that and aren't I too young?' Ophelia questioned. To her knowledge, you had to be seventeen to apparate legally.

'If escorted by a qualified, of age, witch or wizard it is perfectly alright and legal.' Professor McGonagall nodded, as she walked over to stand next to Ophelia, and she linked their arms together.

'Do I have anything?' Ophelia asked nervously.

'Hold on tight, firm grip, and try to concentrate. Risk of splinching is increased when you are not focused.'

Ophelia nodded, gulping.

'Now, are we ready?'

'Ready.' She nodded, and suddenly they were gone--or in the middle of apparating, really--it was a strange feeling. It felt like you were being twisted, and stretched in all the wrong places, and Ophelia felt nauseous already. She decided it was best to keep her eyes closed, fearing that if she opened them she might begin to vomit. She squinted them closed, holding onto Professor McGonagall's arm so tight with one hand it was sure to be hurting her but she was too scared to let go in fear of getting lost, or being splinched. And in the other, she held onto her bag tightly; not wanting to lose it as it carried her wand.

After what felt like a long time, when in reality it was a matter of seconds, Ophelia felt the feeling of ground beneath her feet. A feeling she, apparently, had been taking for granted for eleven years. She felt the brisk October air again, and though she hadn't opened her eyes yet, she wanted to kiss the ground in triumph.

'Alright, Miss. Lupin?' Professor McGonagall asked, and Ophelia; realizing she was yet to let go of her arm, let go and just blushed.

Ophelia finally opened her eyes and was faced with their cottage. Home. They were on the doorstep, in front of the front door. She smiled immediatley, feeling like it had been years since she had been here when it had really only been not even two months. She smiled even more thinking about the fact her Dad was sitting inside this very moment, and Ginger was likely cooking something amazing for their breakfast.

'It was an odd feeling.' Ophelia admitted. 'But I'm fine.'

'It is. Though you were rather successful. No vomitting just yet I see. The nauseous feeling will subside soon.'

Ophelia nodded, thankful for that. 'Shall we?' McGonagall asked, and Ophelia just nodded as she raised her fist to the door and knocked three times; before they retreated back a couple steps to give them some space.

The door opened moments later, and they were faced with an exhausted looking Remus Lupin. He wore an oversized burnt orange jumper, and brown muggle jeans; but the way he stood, slightly hunched over, and how his sandy brown hair was messy and out of place; and how his honey eyes were only half-open, told Ophelia he was exhausted, and likely hurting as the full moon was tonight. It took him a second for his brain to even register to two people he was standing in front of, his former Professor and his daughter, and when he did his eyes widened in recognition.

It took an enormous amount of self-control for Opehlia to not launch herself at him in a giant hug, but she knew he was too weak for that.

Before Ophelia or McGonagall even had the chance to open their mouths, he spoke. 'Oh no...are you in trouble? Is she in trouble?' He asked, glancing from Ophelia to Professor McGonagall. Professor McGonagall opened her mouth to speak but he cut her off entirely. 'Are you hurt? You don't look hurt. Do you have a concussion? You can't usually see those...' His voice trailed off, as he continued to mumble inaudible things to himself.

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