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The movie was at 7 pm so Latte told Roselia to just meet earlier than expected so she could scape that uncomfortable situation with The three and Ibelin. The proposal was accepted without hesitation by the girl who was excited to spend time with her favorite writer.

Latte went out of the shower at 5:30 and started getting ready while Ibeline also entered the bathroom. From the outside she could hear Ibeline singing with a melodic voice and latte could only think about how perfect Ibelin was, a apparency and voice that could resemble an angel and a bright and joyful personality.

'people usually don't like persons that are close to perfection, it reminds them of their own flaws' latte remembered a quote from a book she read years ago. It never made more sense than it made now, all of her friends hated Ibelin and Latte could not think of a reason to hate her. By the other hand latte didn't hate Ibelin and also didn't wish to be her because she didn't think of herself as a female lead but as a sidekick and she was used to that role just watching people's affairs from afar and maybe writing them later.

Latte opened the closet where her clothes were, the outfit latte picked consisted of a beige plaid skirt with a turtleneck white shirt and boots. 'maybe it's too much?' Latte looked at her own reflect in the mirror and started feeling a little bit uncomfortable.

Her hair was getting fluffy as it dried up, so she decided to just make a ponytail for the day and go for it. The moment Latte end up getting ready Ibelin went out the bathroom wearing  a black and green plaid skirt that seemed similar to hers.

'did she dress up similar to me by intention? She knew I was dressed like this'

"Oh Latte! I hope that you are not mad at me I seriously wanted to use this skirt tonight!" The outfit was accompanied with a pair of knee socks that suited her really well.

"Of course not Ibelin you look amazing!" After all it wasn't her friend's fault to be beautiful and slay every outfit, latte was sure that even if Ibeline used a bag as a dress she would look amazing. The image of Ibelin using a plastic bag as a dress made her laugh.

"By the way Latte I was thinking about it and I have a purse that would perfectly match your outfit!"

"Is that so?"

Ibeline searched between her things a box from a brand that she haven't heard out before. But the purse that was inside it left her without words. A brown and white purse was into it and it looked perfectly new.

"It was only used once but I can't possibly thing of a better match to your outfit"

"It's beautiful Ibelin! Thank you so much! But are you sure it looks new and expensive"

"Oh don't pay attention to that just take it"

Latte forgot the bad sensation about that purse and began to put her possessions in it. Sooner than expected it was 6:30 and they were in front of the cinema waiting The three. 'this is such an unexpected situation' she never imagined herself around that kind of people, after all she wasn't the type of elegant and classy that they all seemed to be.

There were a lot of persons outside that night, as the day before there were little tends and shows everywhere, the Summer breeze of the night moved her skirt as she put her hands in it to prevent any accident.

"Excuse me miss..." Someone catched up her attention, Latte turned searching for the touch in her arm. White skin and blonde hair greet her, 'he's handsome thought' she never saw this person before so she wondered what could he possibly want from her

"You know I was seeing you from afar and... I think you're really pretty" Latte couldn't believe his words, she could feel Ibelin behind her, just looking in silence the situation. 'is this person really talking to me?"

"You mean me?" Latte thought this was such a ridiculous situation, after all she wasn't as beautiful as Ibelin was and she was just beside her. The guy laughed at her question, and probably her face.

"Your reaction's are so funny" the guy confirmed the obvious and Latte laughed at his statement. "The funnier the prettier you know?"

"Can I ask for your number?"

She wrote her number in his phone, and smiled while giving his phone back to him. Then she felt a weight in her shoulders, a familiar and expensive perfume wrapping her. 'Arwin?' she searched for that person's look. But he wasn't looking at her but the guy in front of her.

"Dear customer I didn't know you were the type that talked to strangers"

"Well... He isn't a stranger now" Latte tried to think of a better answer but she couldn't. 'what is Arwin even thinking about?'

"Oh well yes, I gotta go hahaha..." The guy literally run away from there, maybe he knew Arwin, that could be the only explanation to what just happened.

"Well I see that people have a divided opinion about you"

"What do you mean?" Arwin laughed at her not retiring her arm form where it was.

"The half of the people that knows you fear you, the other half wants to marry you"

Arwin laughed at her affirmation

"And in what group are you?"

In that moment Rondemio and Kenneth made their apparition, and began the process of buying the tickets to the movie. Rondemio talked to her normally and then focused on Ibelin as always, Kenneth just nodded at her to do the same thing. Latte forgot all the things that happened and focused on scaping that uncomfortable situation, she looked at the hour, 'Roselia must be about to message me'.

"What movie are we seeing by the way?" Latte asked more lost in her thoughts than interested in the movie.

"Tainted with blood redder than roses" Ibelin answered with a bright smile on her face. Latte opened her eyes more than she thought she could

"Are you okay dear customer? You look like a fish out of the water" Arwin laughed at her.

Latte didn't even reply to him, she already knew that movie, the book was one of the most boring things she had ever read in her life. 'I'm definitely not watching this movie' like a heaven sign her phone rang, it was Roselia.
Hey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you so much for reading! See you in the next chapter.

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