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Irene's weekend was a little festival held near the campus, it started with a party on the streets on Friday, a music contest on Saturday and it finished on Sunday with a movie festival where a lot of new and local artist showed their work. Latte planned of enjoying all the weekend.

"So, are you going Ibeline?"

On Friday morning Ibeline and latte were having lunch together, with all their exams and works finished they decided to go lunching somewhere outside the campus. Although Latte believed Ibeline was a kind and beautiful person, surprisingly she didn't have lots of friends, so lunching together, just Latte and Ibeline was a common thing.

"To Irene's night? Of course! I'm even planning of going to the music contest"
"Really! You sing?"
"Just a little... I took classes when I was little"
"I'll definitely going to see you"
"Please be there" Ibeline smiled at her and they continued their lunch.

It was strange to Latte, many boys greet Ibeline when they encountered but girls in the campus always looked down on her, even Cano didn't like her but latte never asked her the reason. 'I guess I'll ask her later... But it's not like I care, Ibeline is a nice person rumors are just that, rumors' those thoughts were easily replaced by the enthusiasm of the incoming party, latte wasn't an alcoholic but is not like she didn't like drinking so she hoped this was a good night.

The afternoon was fast and soon the night came earlier than expected and Latte and Ibeline arrived to the place, lots of students of all careers and different colleges were around, it was a place full of young people and loud music. Lots of people were staring at them, most specifically staring at Ibeline, who looked gorgeous with a deep green dress and natural makeup, everything about her was perfect, there wasn't any other word to describe her.

"Ibeline! You're here!" A man's voice called her, and they talked a little, latte didn't know the person. In that moment a group of drunk people passed by screaming and laughing loudly, Latte stepped back to avoid the crowd but as soon as she tried to get back to where Ibeline and the boy were but she couldn't find them.

'ugh it's just too crowded here' Latte started walking around searching for Ibeline or at least a familiar face, after walking for a while, she felt tired and sat in a less crowded place alone. 'this isn't how this day was supposed to be' she sighed, she tried contacting Ibeline in her phone but she didn't answer to none of her 15 calls. The hot temperature affected her so she tied her hair in a messy bun.

"Dear costumer are you lost?"

Latte looked up to the person talking to her. Arwin was standing right in front of her looking more handsome than ever with a pure white shirt, his eyes denoted the fun he was making out of her looks.

"No, I'm not" 
"Mmm so that's it"

'why out of all of the people it had to be Arwin?'

"I'm not lost, I'm waiting for someone"

She avoided his gaze and looked somewhere else trying to find by a miracle someone familiar in the crowd. Then Latte felt a hand  in her  hair  and  suddenly out of nowhere Arwin's face was next to her own face, really close.

"What are you..!" She could feel her face turning into a tomato. Then her hair tie was in his hands, her messy golden hair fell. Latte couldn't imagine why was someone like him talking to her in this kind of situation, why was he even doing being that casual with her, as they were friends already, so she decided she would follow his ways.

"Oh so you have a sense of beauty? Do you think I look better with my hair down?"

Arwin started laughing soundly, catching the attention of the people around them, killing some of them by his looks. Latte avoided his gaze again trying to not look as embarrassed as she felt.

"You really are trying to be funny, it suits you" there was a little silence between them and then a voice called her in the crowd.

"Latte!, When she turned to the voice Arwin quietly left without saying goodbye 'how rude' but she was relieved.

The person that found her was Cano, who was also accompanied by Esula a new friend of them and Bishot.

"Why don't you answer my calls!"
"You called...?"

Latte checked her phone, 5 missed calls from Cano were there, and were from moments ago, apparently she was completely distracted by Arwin.

"However, who was the person with you before?" Bishot begin to ask "he semmed terrifyingly familiar"

"Oh, nobody don't mind him, it's just a person I barely know" telling them that the person she was talking with was Arwin itself would completely freak them out, and she didn't want people talking about a relationship that didn't even exist.

"But now that you guys are here we have to go dancing." Latte changed the topic of their conversation.

"Of course we're going dancing! That's the main reason I'm here"

The city that night was in its most splendor, people all around were having fun, eating, drinking and dancing, no one bothered about dancing with a stranger or kissing, that night nothing semmed to matter. So when they found a good spot with good music at the center of the city they started drinking and dancing as the people around, the first ones getting a couple to dance were Cano and Esula.

"So... Yeah, I've never danced with a women before" it was Bishot
"No way, you have to be kidding me"
"It's the true"

The music was loud so they were screaming the conversation.

"Then let's go dance!"
"Oh no... Latte I can't what if I fall, what if people make fun of us"
"They won't"
"Seriously I can't"
"Just follow me!"

Latte took Bishot's hand and started dancing along with the rythm, the electronic music continued about 5 minutes more and then they took a break. They were talking casually when someone grabbed Latte's hand, she turned around to see Ibelin and Arwin in front of her.
_______________________________________ I'm a little bit too busy so please forgive my slow update. Hope you liked it! Thanks so much for reading and commenting.

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