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The key Latte got from the admission's office was for the room 402, so she started walking to the girls dormitory alone, the Flower of the Beast University was a very difficult University to enter it, also it was a private one so the money was really a factor, it wasn't particularly difficult to Latte's family to pay the semester but it was expensive so probably a normal person couldn't enter, you should be rich enough, talented enough, or both to enter.

Although Latte didn't think of herself as a very talented person she did have something behind, she was the secret author of a very popular BL books, not even her parents knew about this because it would be embarrassing but her surname 'Rose' was quite recognized in the BL circle. it was her first year at the University, in the Literature curse, she was a writer already but she did needed the title to make it more than real.

'402' the door had its number in the center, so she got in with a happy expression in her face.

The room was simple yet elegant, as expected of a private University such at this it had 2 simple beds each one at one side of the room, two desks and two closets for clothes, also, a door that she supposed it was for bathroom. It seemed like her roommate hadn't arrived yet because the room was untouched so she started putting her things in order, wondering how her roommate would be, what the University life would be like.

The sound of the door put her out of her thoughts, and one of the prettiest girl she had ever seen walked in. Latte smiled at her immediately.

"Hey! It's so nice to meet you! My name is Latte Ectrie we're going to be roommates this year" the girl smiled at her and Latte thought she was an angel fallen from heaven

"My name is Ibeline Dott"

The two girls continued to organize their room, Ibeline was organized and minimalist while Latte semmed to had a more romantic style, but they both had one thing in common, antique books. The difference was that Ibeline's books were about science and investigation while Latte's were novels and biographies.

"Ibeline, wich career are you going into?"
"I'm into the Literature curse, and you?"
"Same! We'll see each other quite often"
"I'm glad"

They compared their classes, they didn't had all of their classes together but they shared a few. Latte never had problems doing friends but having someone you know before going to a new place was a good feeling, she hoped she could be good friends with Ibeline.

In the night all the first year students were invited to a welcome party, Ibeline had some things to do before going so after a short goodbye she told Latte they would met there.

Latte tried a new dress in her wardrobe, a pink and red dress that makes her looked beautiful, her fluffy hair tied up and simple makeup and she was ready, she didn't think of herself as a beauty 'like Ibeline' but she felt confident looking in the mirror. So she went to the place excited, the campus at night was beautiful and big, she already knew that place because of the tour given to all the first year students so getting there wasn't difficult.

The room where the party was held was decorated beautifully, with flowers and food everywhere, everyone there looked stunning. She looked for a while not seeing Ibeline, there was a lot of people from all careers, it was difficult to find someone in especific.

Suddenly she felt a little hit in her back.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you are you okay?"

Latte turn to search the voice talking to her and she saw a pretty and small girl with short red hair, her face looked scared.

"Don't worry! Seriously I didn't even feel it"
"Are you sure?"
"By the way my name is Cano Olah, but you can call me Cano"
"Your name sounds like Canola!"
"You think so?" They laughed a little.
"My name is Latte Ectrie, and I'm in the Literature curse"
"Really? I'm too!"

Conversation with Cano was fluid and good, she was so cute and they got in confidence just there, Latte was happy to meet another Literature student. 'where could Ibeline be? The party it's about to start'

"By the way Latte, did you hear the rumors?"
"Wich ones?"
"It's said that the students president it's so handsome that you can go blind by seeing him"
"That's impossible"

The moment she pronounced that words the sound of a voice interrupted their conversation.

"Welcome to the first year of your careers"

Everyone looked to that sound's origin, and the most handsome guy Latte had ever seen in her life was standing there in front of a microphone. 'don't tell me...' Latte turn to where Cano was standing to ask her if he was the person of the rumors, but Cano was looking at him not even blinking. 'haha... So it is him, we look like another kind of human if we compared ourselves with him'

When his speech was finished he started talking with the people around him, every eyes were on him, 'how can he act so naturally when everyone is looking at him like that?' then she saw him looking at an specific point.

'Ibeline?' she was sitting in one of the tables alone reading not even looking around her, Latte was going to her but the president walked towards Ibeline first, she looked at him and then continue reading not interested in him, he laughed and talked to her.

"My name is Rondemio, I'm the students president, if you need anything you can ask me" Ibeline stopped reading again.
"Sure, thank you"

'how can she be so natural with that person! Well Ibeline it's also a beauty by herself'

"Your name?" Rondemio didn't give up.
"Ibeline Dott"
"Oh, I hope we can see each other more often then"

Latte was surprised, everyone in the room were like that it semmed impossible just how she ignored him, and just continue reading in a party, she was quite a character. After all the commotion Latte went straight to Ibeline.

"You should have contacted me when you arrived, to think you'll be here alone"
"I'm sorry, I forgot to ask for your number"

'oh, well, that's right'

"I'm sorry, I totally forgot too"

After that they returned together to their room, Latte didn't asked her about what happened with the president and Ibeline didn't talk about that either so the day ended up like that, it seemed by Latte's eyes that Ibeline was that kind of person that attracted interesting situations and that though maked her wanting to stay around Ibeline.

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