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"I told you I'd come back."

Bakugou looked up at the words, he'd heard them a thousand times in his dreams or from the voices he heard while he showered. He blinked silently before smiling, as he was escorted out so the doctors could talk to Kaminari.

He followed Aizawa back to the dorms before leaving him there. His classmates all looked up at him looking for an answer to a question that they didn't need to ask.

"He's back." Bakugoh says with a smile as he starts walking toward the stairs. Kirishima jumps up and hugs him. "See I told you." He gave him a large shark tooth smile.

Bakugou ruffles his hair and hugs him back before pulling him up the stairs to his room. He shoved Kirishima into his room and hugged him closely.

"He's back, he's back, he's back!" Bakugou cheers happily picking Kiri up and spinning him in circles. "I didn't kill him!" Kirishima chuckled at the statement.

"Of course you didn't kill him." Kirishima laughs finally being set back on his feet. "When he gets back tell him you love him and you're stupid." He says making Bakugou pout and turn away. "I'm not stupid..."

"You were stupid, because you were scared." Kirishima crosses his arms wonder how many time they'd already had this conversation. "You care about him, I know you do, but because you didn't want people to think you were gay you pushed him away. Bakugou, just tell them, most of them are probably gay too, let's face it none of us are all that straight."

"Fine, but this goes wrong I blame you."


Kaminari walked slowly in to the mostly empty dorms, Kirishima, Bakugou, Midoriya, and Shinsou the only ones in the common area. "Shinsou?"

The fours heads turn to him, Bakugou jumped up over the back of the couch and ran to him. "Pikachu!" He scooped him off his feet in to a rib crushing hug.

Kamianri wiggled free and slowly shuffled over to the couch. "What are you doing here?" He asked Shinsou sitting down next to him. "Mineta dropped out and now I'm here." He says looking over at him with tired eyes.

"Oh that's cool." He mutters before turning to look at Bakugou, the blonde had followed him like an obedient dog to the couch. "Hi." He said quietly to him, Bakugou smiled. "Hey."

Kaminari swallowed and looked away from him. He slowly looked back it was an awkward silence. Bakugou smiled at him before moving to the kitchen.

Shinsou gave Kaminari a small smile before getting and head up stairs. "Well I'm off to bed see ya tomorrow guys." He says with yawn. Midoriya looks at Bakugou then to Kirishima, the red head shrugged. "Yeah I think it's time for me to go too. I'm really tired we all tried staying up to see you, Kaminari-kun. Night."

"Night." Denki waves to him as he leaves. Kirishima lays back on the couch, glancing over at him. "You gonna be in class tomorrow?" He asks in a mumble while looking up at the ceiling.

"I don't know." Denki sighs looking toward the kitchen to watch Bakugou. Kirishima raises an eyebrow but doesn't say anything else to him. Kaminari takes a deep breath before getting up and going to the kitchen, Kirishima readjust his position to watch.

Bakugou looked over at the other blonde before back to what he was making. He stiffened as arms wrap around him and a head is laid against his shoulder. "Whatcha making?" Kaminari asks nuzzling into his shoulder.

Bakugou shrugs, he hasn't been paying attention. He draws in a breath before pathetically stumbling over his words.

"Denks, I'm- I didn't- look I- um."

"Just shut up." Denki chuckles. "I forgive you, fag." Bakugou wanted to put a bullet in his head laugh and cry all at once. He chose to only do the last two as he began laughing so hard he cried.

"I don't know if this is the 'I'm gonna kill you' laugh or the 'oh the tables have turned' laugh." Kaminari says backing away as Bakugou just wipes at his eyes with his sleeve. "Oh the tables have turned laugh." He says through the tears.

Kaminari smiles at him before looking to the stove. "Your food's burning."



It had only been a few days since Denki returned to class but Bakugou being Bakugou had been very unBakugou. He was all over the electric blonde, pulling him down onto his lap, holding on to his arm when they went anywhere.

Kaminari couldn't even sleep alone, Bakugou had started draging him off to sleep in his room. Was he complaining? No, the attention was for him and him alone and he loved it. No one else got to know this side of Bakugou, except Kirishima, the touch starved and insecure, traumatized child he was.

Bakugou got to learn a few thing about Denki too, one being his mother was a hero and two his father wasn't a nice guy. He also got to see the electric blonde get tired and not just because he didn't have his quirk. Kaminari wasn't much of a talker when they were alone together, he listened and observed.

At the slightest change in Bakugou's body language or mood the electric teen responded, moving away, getting closer, changing the subject and promising to come back to it later.

"How do you do that?" Bakugou had finally asked when the boy pulled him out of his usual anxious spiral. "You get good at reading people when you have to do it to live." Kaminari says, slowly climbing into his lap arms wrapping around him. "What do you mean?"

"I've told you about my dad, I learned to read that man like a book when I was really young then I started doing it with other people. When I came to UA I did it with everyone to try and keep them happy." Kaminari said attempting to tame some of Bakugou's hair. "They needed me to be an idiot so I was their idiot, Jirou needed someone to cheer her on and I was there, you and Kirishima needed me to save your butts so I did."

The both shudder at the thought of the meatball guy. "Yeah, I never thanked you for that."

"I don't need to be, it was really fun kicking his ass solo." Kaminari grinned from ear to ear as he leaned against Bakugou's chest giving up on his hair.

"Do you have black here too?" Bakugou asks out loud gently messing with Denki's hair to see the black roots along his neck. "Yes, I need to rebleach it I know." Kami huffs against him pouting slightly before yawning. "Don't, I wanna see what it looks like."

"It's just another lighting bolt." Kaminari grumbles cuddling closer to him ready for some quality sleep. "I still want to see it." Bakugou says laying down and turning off the lamp light next to them. "I'll show you a picture tomorrow but it looks really dumb."

"Okay, goodnight love."

"Night, Bakubitch."


"Sorry not sorry."

Bakugou grunted unpleased before feeling Kaminari move then kiss him.



"So needy."

"Shut up and go to sleep Sparky!"

. . .

"Sparky?" His response was only light snoring coming from the blond on top of him. "Love you, Dunce Face."

"Love... you too." Kaminari mumbles obviously asleep. Bakugou kissed his forehead before closing his eyes and going to sleep.

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