Bad Eyes

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Kaminari stared at the board he was trying to pay attention but that was hard when everything was blurring together. Aizawa was droning on and on but the words didn't sound like Japanese anymore. His pen stopped as he strained his eyes to see, but he couldn't.

Kirishima looked over his shoulder when it stopped, wondering what was wrong. He gently tapped on the blondes shoulder to get his attention, he knew it was a dangerous move when Aizawa was teaching but Bakugou said be nice to Kaminari again. Kaminari's head turned slightly to signal he was listening. "You okay?" He asksed almost silently, it took a minute but eventually Denki nodded.

Kirishima goes back to writing as Kaminari goes back to trying read the board. A splitting headache begins and Kaminari closes one of his eyes to keep out some of the light in the room. Soon the spinning starts and the other eye closes, Aizawa of course notices this but chose to ignore it. The teen looked paler than normal and it was worrying him.

Kaminari eventually just put his head on his desk and focused on his breathing. He silently begged the world to stop moving he blocked out any sound the best he could. Sharp pain coursed through his skull making it feel ready to explode. His stomach turned and he ran from the room barely making it to the bathroom in time to throw up.

Aizawa stared at the still open door then back to the class he gestures for Bakugou to follow him. Hoping that this would get the two talking again. Bakugou had scowled but didn't argue as he left the room, closing the door behind him.

It was pretty easy to find Kaminari in the nearly silent school, he watched him throw up in the toilet before he knelt and held his hair back. "Bakugou?" Kami looked surprised to see him but he didn't dwell on it for too long as he turned back to the toilet.

After a few minutes Denki sat back and waited, nothing, he flushed the toilet and got to his feet. His legs trembled but he didn't dare look at Bakugou as he walked over to the skin. "What did you eat this morning?" Bakugou asks from his spot near the exit. "Nothing." It was the honset answer, he heads for the door.

Bakugou had to catch Kaminari as the boy suddenly dropped. "Shit!" He stumbles expecting more weight. "Pikachu?" He asks lifting him up, Kaminari blinked confused. "Why are you holding me?" He wiggles in his arms but Bakugou refuses to put him down instead he began to walk back to class.

Bakugou sets him down outside the door. "What's wrong?" He asks going for the handle. "Nothing, just a headache."

"You passed out!" He stops reaching for the door and look down at the human pikachu. Kaminari shakes his head and stumbles, Bakugou gently grabs his shoulders keeping him on his feet. "I'm fine."

"No you're not!"

"Stop yelling!" Kaminari covers his ears and looks away. "You don't even care." He mutters opening the door and heading to his desk. "Sorry, I thought I was going to puke." Was all he said while walking past Aizawa.

Bakugou stood in the door way shocked before recovering and walking to this seat. "Yeah." He mutters whens Aizawa raises an eyebrown at him. "I found him in the bathroom." He grumbles quietly crossing his arms and glaring forward.


Bakugou glared as Kaminari went to sit alone not even looking at the group. He sat at the empty table with a book in front of him. "Stay." Bakugou grumbles to the group before getting up and walking over to Kaminari.

"Aren't you going to sit with us?" Bakugou asks sitting down across from him, Denki doesn't look up when he responses. "No." Bakugou blinks looking down at the book trying to read it upside down. "Why not?" He asks once the page flipped.

Kamianri glances at him. "Not welcome. Or did you forget nearly blowing my head off?" He closes the book, and talks it off the table. "I'm so glad to know I'm not even good enough for you to remember nearly murdering for trying to sit where I usual did. Goodbye." He snaps getting up and leaving the cafeteria. The room was silent as Bakugou stood and went back to the Bakusquad.

He didn't speak as he began to eat. Eventually the room went back to normal, nice and loud. Kirishima leans toward him as if he had asked a question but he hadn't. "What?" Bakugou grumbles turning away from his food.

"What happened?" Kiri asks and the rest of tbe table, plus Shinsou, stop eating to look at him. "What do you mean?"

"When he ran out of class what really happened and just now?"

"I don't know."  Bakugou sighs pushing his food away from him, his appetite suddenly vanishing. "I invited him back and he got mad." He looks over at the redhead, suddenly he wished he hadn't been a jerk, the table had been so quiet for so long.

Kaminari really had been the happy, go lucky, glue holding the group together. Jirou had begun drifting the first day he wasn't at the table now she sat next to Todoroki. Mina wasn't as lively any more, she only spoke when asked a question. Sero would eat, chat a little then excuse himself to walk the long hallways of the school to the library. Shinsou never said a word but still sat where Kaminari once did.

Kirishima was the only that seemed some what normal, calmer but normal. Bakugou stares at him, Sero was already gone, Mina picked at her food, Shinsou was texting someone, Jirou was talking to Midoriya. He suddenly stands and leaves, he couldn't stand the scene.

He walked down the halls back to class before he stopped, his ear were going but he still distinctly heard what sounded like someone puking. He follows the sound to find Kamianri once again over the toilet. "Kaminari?" He kneels behind him rubbing his back and gently brushing his hair behind his ear. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Kaminari grumbles trying to nudge him away, his eyes had bags under them that weren't there in the morning. "You need to go to your room you're obviously sick." Bakugou says resting his hand against his lower back. "Let me take you to recovery girl."

Kaminari shakes his head before throwing up again. "No." He hisses trying to not vomit again. Bakugou sits down as the bell rings knowing they'd be here for a while. "Fine but I'm not leave here with out you." Kamianri glances back at him raising an eyebrow. "Class is starting." He grumbles at him before he leans over the toilet, his spit was light pink.

"Are you done?" Bakugou asks rubbing his back, he could hear Kirishina calling his name. "Yeah."

"Going to pass out again?" Kirishima was getting closer, Jirou coukd be heard calling out for Kaminari. "No." He flushes the toilet and they stand up, Kaminari leaned on him for a minute before allowing Bakugou to help him out. Bakugou's arm was around his shoulders keeping him close so if he were to just drop again he could catch him.

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