Not far away

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Bakugou stares up at his ceiling, his bed felt strange under him. He'd gotten back from the hospital an hout ago after visiting Kaminari. He ignored everyone walking to his room.

The walls seemed to close in on him as he laid there, a cold shiver radiating from his shoulder. He rolled away and faced the wall, his mind slowly entangling him in his usual spiral.

He had decided he was losing his mind, having started to see Kaminari floating around. Bakugou placed his hands over his ears and bringing his knees up. He hated this, he felt like it was his fault and it made him angry, angry at himself.

"Damn it you fucking pikachu!" He yells quietly to himself. "Why'd you have to go and do this!?" He curled up tighter nearly tucking his head between his knees.

Kirishima slowly slid into the roon and walked over to blonde. "Bakugou? Are you alright?" He asksed quietly rubbing his back, Bakugou slowly looked over to him. He nodded slightly turning back to the wall.

"Scoot over." Kiri mumbles nudging his back until Bakugou moved and he could lay down next to him. "Tell me what happened." He whispered as Bakugou turned to face him.

"He looked dead." Bakugou says cuddling into him, Kirishima's hand gently running through the blondes hair. He was desperately trying to comforting him, he understood Bakugou's mind enough to know he was hurting.

"He's not though, just asleep." Kirishima says rubbing his back as he hugs him. "He's going to come back." He pulls Bakugou closer. "It's okay, let it out." He whispers as the blondes shoulders being to shake as he began to cry.

They hugged on Bakugou's bed for awhile until Aizawa knocked and walked in. "He's awake." He says before walking away.


Kaminari's eyes opened slowly to a painfull bright room, he shook his head and everything seemed to blur. There was a beeping coming from somewhere, he couldn't tell where.

There was a clock in front of him he could barely read it but both hands were close to the six. He shook his head again before trying to take a closer look.

. . .

"Hey, open your eyes again you can do it." Someone said, he didn't remember closing them and he really didn't want to open them. "No..." He said very quietly he could barely hear it.

"Come on, Bakugou worried about you but he can't see you if you don't open your eyes." It was Aizawa, he recognized the voice now, he let one eye open barely. "I'm tired." He mumbles, licking his lips as he looked to the clock, the hands had moved to the twelve.

"And hungry." He mutter chuckling slightly, it hurt. "Good morning Kaminari." He says waving in a doctor as he gently rubs Kaminari's shoulder. "You've been out for a month kid." He says as the doctor takes Kaminari's blood pressure.

"Doesn't feel like it." Kami says looking up at his teacher. "Feels like I've been awake for months." Kaminari sighs turning away from the doctor as he pulls out a needle. He held his breath as he was poked.

Eventually the doctor left and a very tired looking Bakugou came in. "Hey buddy." He whispers from the doorway. There were bags under his eyes making him look like Midoriya finally snapped and gave him two black eyes for the price of one. His clothing was disheveled, his shirt half tucked in, hair more messing than usual, his pant legs at different lengths as well as his hoodie strings.

"You're hoodie strings are all ways even. Why aren't they?" Was all Kaminari could say as he picked up his cup of water Aizawa had brought to him. Bakugou looked down at himself. "They aren't?" He seemed mystified by such a notion. "Fix it." Kami half growled into his water.

Bakugou did, silently pulling them to the same length as he walked over, he held them up and studied them closely before letting them fall. "Pants too." Kaminari muttered and Bakugou, once again with out a word, pulled his left pant leg down from where it had rolled uo in his sleep.

"That better." Kaminari smiles at him, now pleased with Bakugou looking less like "I just watched everything I love burn". Bakugou chuckled at him, a tiny smile on his own face as he sat down.

"How do you feel?" Bakugou asked gently reaching and touching Kaminari's leg.

"Tired." The electric blonde muttered into his cup looking away. "I thought you'd be bouncing with energy." Bakugou says laying his head on the side of the bed, Kaminari held his cup in one hand and slowly began to shift his fingers through Bakugou's hair.

"They thought you woke up two other times, I honestly thought you wouldn't be." He admits and Kami shrugs, trying to fix his hair. "I had a weird dream." He mutters to him and Bakugou raises his head as if asking him to continue.

"There was this long hallway, hundreds of doors opening and closing, it was blindingly white. The doors were all different colors and sizes. Then I was falling and falling." He looked around the room to the clock, twelve thirty. "P.M. or A.M?" He asked suddenly.

"Hm?" Bakugou asks before following his eyes. "A.M." He says.

"I fell into an ocean, the waves pulled me under and I tried to hold my breath but water kept slipping in. Last thing was someone pulling me out, then I woke up." Kaminari puts both hands in his lap and he looks down. Bakugou looked at his face and studied him carefully.

"I'm scared of water." He admits cutting Bakugou off when he opened his mouth to speak. "I got my quirk when I fell over board a cruise, I almost died because no one could get to me with out being shooked. I kept trying to breath but more and more water got in my nosed." He shivered, not sure why he was telling Bakugou this, he's never told anyone this.

"When my nose bleed started it brought sharks, I accepted death by that point and my quirk stopped and I was saved. I only learned to swim to impress you during that pool day. You didn't even look my way, I didn't exist to you."

Bakugou gently wiped a tear off his cheek before smiling at him. "I did look at you. You were staring at the pool so I left you alone thinking you were worried about electrocuting everyone with a sneeze." Kaminari laughed at him a small smile on hid face. "I was." He chuckled.

"I was worried about that and you blowing me to pieces for it." Bakugou chuckle too at Kaminari's confession, he probably would have.

"I'm glad to have you back Kami." Bakugou says quietly as possible lightly holding one of Denki's hands in his and Aizawa walks into the room.

Kmainari quietly whispered under his breath, mostly to himself. "I told you I'd come back."

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