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Bakugou silently sobbed into his friends shoulder for hours. His cried knowing everything was his fault. He'd killed his friend, he was his cause of death, he'd pushed him over the edge.

He nuzzled closer to Kirishima as a sudden chill came over him. After several hours and multiple chills he allowed himself to sleep.

It was dark, a grey room, black ceil and dark brown floor. In the middle of the room was Kaminari, deathly pale, eyes whited out and a small smile on his face. His skin was translucent, not that there was anything behind him. His feet didn't quite touch the floor, he seemed to glow slightly and was the only light source in the room.

Bakugou's mouth gaped open at him, he looked like a ghost. "I-I killed you." He backed away a step, looking around the room for a door. "No. I killed me, but I'll be back soon I promise." Kaminari whispered his voice hoarse, crackling. He moved toward Bakugou at a hover slow, his slightly see through hand brushing his cheek, he was ice cold.

"Stop crying, I'm not dead yet. I'm okay at the hospital you can see me soon." He kept talking but Bakugou refused to listen as stared. He knew he was dreaming but something fely off, wrong, like he wasn't in control.

He shook his head before looking back at him. "Why? Why'd you do it?" He asked quietly and Denki's eyes shifted a hallway appearing. "Let's take a walk." He mutters floating towards it, Bakugou had no choice but to follow.

Tbe hall was also dsrk with no light but Kami but seemed much brighter as it was solid white expet for moving images. Memories... but they weren't his. "What is this?" He asked the ghost of his friend. "I don't know, but these are my memories of you."

In everyone Bakugou saw himself glaring or poping off explostion, even attacking toward the end of the hall. "I care about you, Bakugou, and you left me. But you are not the cause of this." Kaminari says landing finally in front of a image that didn't have his angry face.

"You're reaction hurt me, yes but I could have gotten over that had you given me the chance. Had he not of damaged me, if my quirk didn't harm me. The medicine I was given, it's side effects are suicide thoughts or actions." He chuckled brokenly, the room seemed to speed around them before stopping in Kaminari's bedroom. Bakugou stumbled but Denki seemed unfazed. "Find the bottle when you wait up and give it to Aizawa sensei for me it's in this drawer, the key to the drawer is on the top shelf of my closet." He tapped the top drawer of his nightstand. "Promise me you'll do it. I don't want to go to mental hospital when I wake up, can't send any memes." He turned back to look at Bakugou.

"I promise and I'm sorry for what I did to you." He felt relaxed as he looked at Kaminari for the first time, maybe it was because of the way he talked it, was him and he knew it. Kaminari nodded with a smile.

Bakugou say up violently befoee he pushed away from Kirishima removing the headphones. 'Closet, key, drawer, pills.' He thought as he walked to Denki's room opening the door.

"What are you doing bro?" Kirishima asked having followed him. "I promise." Is all Bakugou said as he got the key from the closet and moved to the drawer unlocking it and taking out the quirk stopping pills.

He quickly read the disclaimer. "May cause suicide thoughts or actions." He turned to Kirishima and held it up. "I need to get this to Sensei."

"He just got back twenty minutes ago, come on." Kirishima smiles pulling Bakugou downstairs.

"Sensei." Bakugou calls walking over to him, shaking off Kirishima and holding up the bottle. "This might have played a roll in what happened." He says handing it over the teacher silently read it over. "I think you're right but how did you get this? I know where he hid this and the key. How?"

Bakugou shrugged and felt a chill run down his body from a spot on his left bicep. "Came to me in a dream." He says enjoy the chills it brought him an unnerving calm. "A dream?" Bakugou nods.


Kaminari drifted around the dorms aftee Bakugou had given Aizawa his medication. He mostly stuck close to the explosive blonde watching him cook. He couldn't feel the heat or smell it but it sounded and looked amazing. Hamburger, the best thing imvented by man in Kami's personally opinion.

He watch Bakugou eat wishing he could have some, it looked so good. "So mean eatting in front of the dead." He complained knowing Bakugou couldn't hear him. Man he wished he could see him, he grumbled until Bakugou absolutely screeched bloody murder.

The blonde nearly fell out of his chair staring straight at... him. "Can you see me now?" He asked out loud only making tehe blonde flinch. "Oh my god I'm seeing ghosts, I've lost my fucking mind." Bakugou half yells half cried tugging at his hair.

Midoriya was the first one in the kitchen to see the mental break down begin. "Kacchan what's wrong?" He asks as the rest of the Deku squad shows up. "I'm going crazy! I swear I saw Kami hovering for a second."

"You did have a traumatic experience, it's common to be delusional and see things but please keep down the screaming. The other side of the world might have heard you." Iida says adjusting his glasses.

"I swesr he's just a walking text book." Kaminari mutters floating over to Iida, Bakugou's eyes half following him. Kaminari blinked. "Wait can you actually see me?!" He yells zooming over to him and circling him. Bakugou doesn't answer just nods to Iida. "I think I'm gonna go to bed early." He mumbles letting Izukh have the rest of his food as he leaves for his room, Kaminari following him and talking.

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