I: Enter Exam

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"Is this enough soul to finally set her free?" He asked the goddess.

"Yes, now bring those to him and set her free. You two can now continue living your life."

He walked into the smoke with the souls he just killed.

'I'm coming. Wait for me....Maria.'


It was a cloudy day in Zaban City. The weather is nice, no signs of rain coming. The young girl finished her job from the market. She kept seeing new faces walking in the area.

'Maybe a new tourist spot became popular here'. She thought. She bid her goodbye and thanks to the owner of the stall as this is her last day on the job, then she made her way home to her mother. At first she was shocked when her mother demanded her to resign from her job, but questioning her is not really a good idea. As she reached their door she took a deep breath and opened it.

"About time you come home you little shtt." Her mother spoke while chugging another glass of whatever alcohol she had.

The young girl didn't bother to answer her, instead she picked up the trash her mother made. Broken glasses, cigarette butts, and spilled alcohol or water on the floor.

"I'm talking to you asshole!" She yelled and threw the glass on the wall beside her. Some broken parts of the glass flew on her face leaving a wound on her cheek.

"I'm sorry mother." She replied, wiping the fresh blood off her face. 'Just another collection to my wounds I guess'. Good thing she just bought bandages a while ago, it was originally to tend to her previous wounds but I guess new ones are always welcome.

"Get up, we're going somewhere." She stood and lit another cigarette then went out.

The young girl followed her behind. It was a quiet walk. She was always afraid of her mother, since one wrong move would result in a huge smack to her, or punch, sometimes even a boiling hot water thrown in her face. What's worse is, her mother's temper is very short.

They finally stopped walking. The girl noticed that it was the small diner that many 'tourists' go to these past few days. She was a bit shocked when her mother demanded she quit her job this morning and said that she probably won't need it anymore.

"Hey!" Her mother shouted at the sketchy man outside the diner. "You finally figured the password?"

The man nodded at her and extended his palm to the girl's mother. She gave him some money, and turned to her daughter.

"Follow me," the man spoke beside her.

The three of them entered the diner.

"Welcome!" The chef greeted them.

"Is the back room available?" The man asked.

"What are you having?"

"One steak combo please. The one that will make us see the light."

The girl's heart skipped a bit. She doesn't know why, but the way the man smirked and the chef's eyes squinted made her wary.

"How do you want them cooked?"

"Grilled slowly over a low flame 'till done please."

The chef smiled. "Got it. See yourselves to the backroom."

The man led both of them to the back room, then stepped out to give them alone time.

"Are you not having a steak mother?" She asked, hoping what she thinks is happening is wrong.

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